octree-based spatial(空间的) search object to quickly locate(位于) cells
vtkCellLocator is a spatial search object to quickly locate cells in 3D. vtkCellLocator uses a uniform-level octree subdivision(细分), where each octant(八分仪) (an octant is also referred to as a bucket) carries an indication(指示) of whether it is empty or not, and each leaf octant carries a list of the cells inside of it. (An octant is not empty if it has one or more cells inside of it.) Typical(典型的) operations are intersection(交叉) with a line to return candidate(候选人) cells, or intersection with another vtkCellLocator to return candidate cells.
octree-based spatial(空间的) search object to quickly locate(位于) cells
vtkCellLocator is a spatial search object to quickly locate cells in 3D. vtkCellLocator uses a uniform-level octree subdivision(细分), where each octant(八分仪) (an octant is also referred to as a bucket) carries an indication(指示) of whether it is empty or not, and each leaf octant carries a list of the cells inside of it. (An octant is not empty if it has one or more cells inside of it.) Typical(典型的) operations are intersection(交叉) with a line to return candidate(候选人) cells, or intersection with another vtkCellLocator to return candidate cells.