【 Writing's On The Wall 】 I've been here before 我曾功成名就 But always hit the floor 也常失败坠落 I've spent a lifetime running 穷尽毕生跋涉 And I always get away 也会抽身畏缩 But with you I'm feeling something 一日同你邂逅 That makes me want to stay 我愿毅然坚守 I'm prepared for this 我已箭在弦上 I never shoot to miss 我可弹无虚发 But I feel like a storm is coming 狂风暴雨正在眼前 If I'm gonna make it through the day 若我想安然渡险 Then there's no more use in running 逃避无济于事 This is something I gotta face 便只能迎难而上 If I risk it all 若我豁出所有 Could you break my fall 你是否会救我于水火 How do I live how do I breathe 如何偷生,如何苟活 When you're not here I'm suffocating 置你险地亦是扼我咽喉 I want to feel love run through my blood 我将为爱浴血奋战 Tell me is this where I give it all up 是否已到舍身时刻 For you I have to risk it all 为你万物皆留身后 Cause the writing's on the wall 只因海誓山盟 A million shards of glass 无数细碎过往 That haunt me from my past 纠缠难以释怀 As the stars begin to gather 星辰现身天际 And the light begins to fade 人间无限昏沉 When all hope begins to shatter 愿景走向幻灭 Know that I won't be afraid 我当挺身而出 If I risk it all 若我豁出所有 Could you break my fall 你是否会救我于水火 How do I live how do I breathe 如何偷生,如何苟活 When you're not here I'm suffocating 置你险地亦是扼我咽喉 I want to feel love run through my blood 我将为爱浴血奋战 Tell me is this where I give it all up 是否已到舍身一刻 For you I have to risk it all 为你万物皆留身后 Cause the writing's on the wall 只因海誓山盟