幻变精灵之蛋糕甜心吧 关注:1,582贴子:74,982

回复:蛋糕甜心。【图楼】Orange's Picture post Part 2



来自Android客户端128楼2015-10-13 22:20

    来自iPhone客户端129楼2015-10-14 01:04
      I've been playing Brave Frontier (or 勇者前线) for a long time. So this one popped out of my head for no actual reason at all.

      Maybe I should do something about what Rank she belongs. Let's see..
      Heartful Regalia Benetta
      Rank: 7-Star
      Gender: Female
      Type: Light
      Base Stats:
      * HP: 6100
      * ATK: 2100
      * DEF: 2100
      * REC: 1800

      130楼2015-10-17 00:38

        来自Android客户端131楼2015-10-17 02:32

          133楼2015-10-23 21:50
            I really need to post more everywhere. But now I am actually doing something else on my artwork since I need to juggle and manage my art accounts everywhere. For now, I need to show you something that I just popped up in my head today.

            Well I haven't given her a name yet and anything else in particular, but I am gonna base this from a Strawberry Panna Cotta (Italian Dessert). So...another batch of OCs that I make myself?

            134楼2015-10-24 23:23

              135楼2015-11-01 21:48
                No Sweets Fairy art this time, but a drawing of a sad Sweetspet Macaronia. I have done this after hearing about Miyu Matsuki's death recently, so I hope she finds peace at the afterlife. RIP. :c

                136楼2015-11-03 19:02

                  来自Android客户端137楼2015-11-03 19:48

                    IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端138楼2015-11-03 20:47
                      Finally a true update at last.

                      I finished her lineart and flats so far so she is almost half-done to say at least. I'll take longer for her to be officially colored in. Her name is also decided at last.
                      Name: Souffle Esperanza
                      Gender: Female
                      Motif: Strawberry Souffle Rabbit
                      Symbol: Heart
                      Appearance (Civilian): (Not shown) She has normal lenght hair, pale burgundy in color with a light pink fur, long rabbit ears and tail. She wears a normal white blouse and pink short dress. Her shoes are colored pink also.
                      Appearance (Fairy): She spots a long pink hair, tied in a right ponytail with a heart hairclip Wears a pinkish-white frilly haircap with a heart-like jewel and beads. Her ears are decorated with heart shapped jewels her dress is colored pinkish-white with a bit of gold, wine red and magenta highlights. Has a ribbon on the center torso of her dress with frills, gloves are colored pinkish white and the back ribbon is colored wine red. Her shoes are pinkish white with pink heart jewel decorations. She also wield a heart wand, which appears when doing attacks. Her fairy wings, used for flight, also appear on the back which is not shown but it's colored pink and it heart shapped.
                      Profile: Born from a family of patissiers, Esperanza is a aspiring student and studying in the Marzipan Royal Academy in Marzipan City, the royal capital of the Sweetsheart Kingdom. Only studying for her to support her parents and their declining business, she enrolled into the academy. But also accidentally bumping to Blue Raspberry Illya, on whichs she is friend with her since kindergarten but left after her family moved to Cake Village. To Illya, Esperanza is the optimist one and is a cheerful mood-swinger, sometimes being thinking very positive on things. But those doesn't usually translate well in her grades, especially as she cooking skills are terrible. But when an unknown beast called "Bitter" appeared in the capital, she is caught in the attack and Illya's "Dolce Heart" being taken away. However, a faint voice called her to fight back, mysteriously materializing a strange small charm like item called "Sugar Seed", an item born from the fabled Dessert Tree alongside a smartphone-item called "Candy Touch". With no choice but to save her friend, Esperanza used both items together, transforming her into a Vary Pery: legendary fairy associated with cakes and sweets and blessed with Delicious Miracle. Esperanza used this new found powers to defeat the Bitter and save her friend's Dolce Heart, but unaware that the queen of the kingdom knew of her awakening.
                      A little notes:
                      *Esperanza - Hope in Spanish
                      *Dolce - Dessert in Italian
                      And also I admit, I tried to make the entire info of her a bit more magical girl-like, well more of a modern magical girl take. -__-;

                      139楼2015-11-05 13:30
                        You are so great!

                        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端140楼2015-11-05 13:32
                          Because I am still alive here! ><

                          141楼2015-11-05 16:58
                            Hello oranges! Here Pisces, super like your paintings, you can pay a friend?

                            来自Android客户端142楼2015-11-05 17:14

                              来自Android客户端143楼2015-11-05 17:57