Objective The purpose of cross matching is to find the errors in the ABO blood group identification, distinguish subtypes, found out irregular antibodies and blood type, which can ensure the safety of clinical use.Methods we used manual condensing amine method and cassette micro-column gel technology method for recipients, respectively to make screening tests for 136 cases of irregular antibody and for 30 cases with blood of known out of patients' blood for type and crossmatch. Results the application of micro column gel technology card type and blood cross matching and typing and manual condensing amine method blood for type and resulted that: the application of micro column gel technology method to detect irregular antibody in 9 cases, and the result of cross matching was not consistent with 27 cases; Condensed amine method to detect irregular antibody in 7 cases, The result of cross matching was not in agreement with 20 cases. Conclusion micro column gel cassette matching method had a higher sensitivity, more on the safety of clinical blood use more security than the manual in condensed amine with blood cross matching; Manual condensing amine with blood in the cross matching can be operate more simply, less time consuming,and often more suitable for emergency use. So it is not hard to see that it is necessary to use jointly two methods in the clinical work , in order to make the higher safety of clinical treatment.