前几个月(就是前几个月)无聊的时候在油土鳖找视频看,偶然发现了一个叫pokemon randomizer nuzlocke的东西。。看了规则之后也想玩一下。。另外lz英语苦手所以哪里翻译不对请多指教
1. All Nuzlocke rules apply: (强制性规则)
a. Any pokemon that faints in battle is considered Dead and must be released or boxed. (战斗中被ko的宝可梦视为死亡并且必须放生)
b. You may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. (只能抓在新地区碰到的第一只宝可梦,别的都不能抓;如果这只宝可梦逃跑或者被打死,则哪怕之后碰到一模一样的也不能抓)
Optional rules: (选择性规则)
You must nickname all of your Pokemon. (highly recommended) (给每个宝可梦命名)
A black out is a "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC. (眼前一片漆黑=gg)
You must change the battle style to SET. (对战格式是SET,我这里就不用了。。)
After the first wild Pokémon was caught, you must release your starter. (抓到第一个野怪之后必须放生主宠,我也不用了。。)
You may not heal outside the use of Pokémon Centres and moves such as Softboiled. (除PC外不能回血,回血类技能也不可以,比如生蛋)
You may not heal outside of healing items and moves such as Softboiled. (同上)
You may not heal outside of battle.(对战之外不能回血,这里我也不用了。。)
You may only have (whichever number you like) Pokémon Centre visit per town. (只能去x次每个城市的pc,这里我设定99999
You may not use held items. (不能使用携带道具)
You may only buy a (whichever number you like) amount of PokéBalls per PokéMart. (只能买x金额的物品 这里我设定999999
You may only use PokéBalls. (只能用红白球,这里我不用了。。)
You may not use/catch legendary Pokémon. (不能抓/使用神兽)
Make comics of your challenge and have fun! (strongly recommended) (让别人看一下受虐过程)
降低了几个难度,先打打试试,要是能通关的话我就把所有的条款都勾上 (


1. All Nuzlocke rules apply: (强制性规则)
a. Any pokemon that faints in battle is considered Dead and must be released or boxed. (战斗中被ko的宝可梦视为死亡并且必须放生)
b. You may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. (只能抓在新地区碰到的第一只宝可梦,别的都不能抓;如果这只宝可梦逃跑或者被打死,则哪怕之后碰到一模一样的也不能抓)
Optional rules: (选择性规则)
You must nickname all of your Pokemon. (highly recommended) (给每个宝可梦命名)
A black out is a "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC. (眼前一片漆黑=gg)
You must change the battle style to SET. (对战格式是SET,我这里就不用了。。)
After the first wild Pokémon was caught, you must release your starter. (抓到第一个野怪之后必须放生主宠,我也不用了。。)
You may not heal outside the use of Pokémon Centres and moves such as Softboiled. (除PC外不能回血,回血类技能也不可以,比如生蛋)
You may not heal outside of healing items and moves such as Softboiled. (同上)
You may not heal outside of battle.(对战之外不能回血,这里我也不用了。。)
You may only have (whichever number you like) Pokémon Centre visit per town. (只能去x次每个城市的pc,这里我设定99999

You may not use held items. (不能使用携带道具)
You may only buy a (whichever number you like) amount of PokéBalls per PokéMart. (只能买x金额的物品 这里我设定999999

You may only use PokéBalls. (只能用红白球,这里我不用了。。)
You may not use/catch legendary Pokémon. (不能抓/使用神兽)
Make comics of your challenge and have fun! (strongly recommended) (让别人看一下受虐过程)
