真是奇怪le吧 关注:108,617贴子:740,947
Update: We’ve released snapshot 15w43c, to fix some bugs & improve the loot tables format.
Update: We’ve released snapshot 15w43b, to fix some crashes and introduce a new feature: subtitles! You can enable them in the sound options. Huge thanks to Ian Hamilton & Game Accessibility Guidelines for design feedback on this feature.
It’s getting colder and colder here in Stockholm, so we’ve built ourselves a little igloo to hold off the incoming frost.
I’d tell you more, but my fingers are freezing off.
Notable changes:
New structure in the world.
New “loot table” concept, allows you (or custom map creators) to change the loot inside randomly generated chests, or what mobs drop.
Improved debug menu.
Increased the amount of strongholds.
Realigned the ■■■■■■■
Some bug fixes & bug unfixes.
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!
To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/15w43c/minecraft_server.15w43c.jar
Report bugs here:
Minecraft issue tracker!

IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端1楼2015-10-24 16:04回复
    更新:我们发布的快照15w43c,修复了一些bug和提高掉落表格式。更新:我们发布的快照15w43b,修复一些崩溃和引入了一个新的特征:字幕!你可以使他们在声音选项。巨大的感谢伊恩-哈密顿和游戏的可访问性指南,设计反馈,这一功能。天气越来越冷了在斯德哥尔摩,所以我们给自己建了一间小屋住进来的霜。我会告诉你更多,但我的手指被冻结。值得注意的变化:世界新结构。新的“物品表”的概念,让你(或自定义地图的创造者)内随机生成的箱子赃物改变,或什么怪掉。改进的调试菜单。增加据点的数量。重新调整了■■■■■■■修复一些BUG和缺陷使不稳定。请报告任何错误你发现在Minecraft bugs.mojang.com。如果没有人报告一个错误,我们不能解决它!要获得快照,打开你的发射器,按“新配置”按钮。称之为“快照”,并检查“启用实验开发快照”。切换到正常的版本,您可以选择在下拉在左下角的发射角。备份您的世界第一或运行在一个不同的文件夹(见“新配置文件”对话框。快照可以破坏你的世界,请备份和/或运行在一个不同的文件夹从您的主要世界。跨平台的服务器https://s3.amazonaws.com/minecraft.download/versions/15w43c/minecraft_server.15w43c.jar罐:在这里报告错误:Minecraft的问题跟踪器!`

    IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端2楼2015-10-24 16:04
      Cobalt is Mojang’s first 3rd party published game. Cobalt is an action game of running, jumping, rolling, shooting, throwing, dancing, hacking, rolling, flying, sliding, climbing, looting, deflecting, racing, piñata-ing, passing, scoring… and even more rolling! Cobalt is developed by Oxeye Game Studio in collaboration with Mojang. Go to www.playcobalt.comto try it out.
      Minecraft is a sandbox construction game where you can build anything you can imagine. It also has scary monsters, like creepers who tend to want to destroy what you have built. The game is available onMinecraft.net.
      Scrolls takes place in a world where the essence of conflict is stored on a parchment. You use the power of creatures, spells, and ancient machines to gain the edge in battle, deploying your forces by using scrolls: some rare, some common, some brutal, some tactical. Scrolls is on-sale now! VisitScrolls.com for more info.
      © 20

      IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端3楼2015-10-24 16:06
        钴钴是Mojang的第一第三方发布的游戏。钴是一个动作游戏的奔跑,跳跃,翻滚,射击,投掷,跳舞,黑客,滚动,滑动,飞,爬,抢劫,偏转,赛车,PIñATA,传球,得分……甚至更多的滚动!钴是在协作与Mojang牛眼游戏工作室开发。去www.playcobalt。COM试试。Minecraft是一个沙盒游戏Minecraft的建设,您可以建立任何你能想象的。它也有可怕的怪物,像食人族倾向的人想破坏你已经建立了。游戏可在minecraft.net。卷轴卷轴是发生在一个世界里,冲突的实质是存储在一个羊皮纸。你可以使用生物、咒语和古代机器来获得战斗的优势,使用卷轴来部署你的力量:有些罕见,有些普通,有些残忍,有些战术。卷轴现在正在出售!scrolls.com访问更多信息。关于此项的评论是关闭的。推特©2010-2015 Mojang AB

        IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端4楼2015-10-24 16:06

          来自Android客户端5楼2015-10-24 16:07
            Facts prove that I did not crystal.

            IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端6楼2015-10-24 16:07

              IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端7楼2015-10-24 16:07

                IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端8楼2015-10-24 16:08

                  IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端9楼2015-10-24 16:10

                    IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端10楼2015-10-24 16:10

                      IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端11楼2015-10-24 16:10
                        @@可爱de逗比 @THEgod仙人 @半夜的狼h @残存的温度C @创世神RT

                        IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端12楼2015-10-24 16:11
                          We’re super happy to present update 0.12.3 for Minecraft: Pocket Edition and Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta.
                          Here’s the tweaks:
                          [JIRA 9985] Tooltip position was incorrect and visibility time was too short
                          Sneaking (Crouching) animation is now visible from First Person View
                          Fixed so controller doesn’t lose its functionality on the death screen
                          Prevented Mojang logo from appearing sideways on iPhone 6+
                          Stopped so mining strength doesn’t passively grow, allowing one-hit breaks
                          Item from 1st slot of hotbar got duplicated when placed on different hotbar slot from inventory
                          Fixed so saving doesn’t corrupt Monster Rooms
                          Controller tooltip (“[X] Tab”) doesn’t overlap in the hotbar in Inventory Menu
                          Player couldn’t use controller’s D-pad to navigate through Inventory Menu
                          Have a great gaming weekend and if you manage to find some scary bugs, please report here:
                          Minecraft issue tracker
                          COMMENTS ON THIS ENTRY ARE CLOSED.
                          PREVIOUS POST: Minecraft snapshot 15w43c
                          NEXT POST: Hallowee

                          IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端13楼2015-10-24 16:14
                            We’re super happy to present update 0.12.3 for Minecraft: Pocket Edition and Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta.
                            Here’s the tweaks:
                            [JIRA 9985] Tooltip position was incorrect and visibility time was too short
                            Sneaking (Crouching) animation is now visible from First Person View
                            Fixed so controller doesn’t lose its functionality on the death screen
                            Prevented Mojang logo from appearing sideways on iPhone 6+
                            Stopped so mining strength doesn’t passively grow, allowing one-hit breaks
                            Item from 1st slot of hotbar got duplicated when placed on different hotbar slot from inventory
                            Fixed so saving doesn’t corrupt Monster Rooms
                            Controller tooltip (“[X] Tab”) doesn’t overlap in the hotbar in Inventory Menu
                            Player couldn’t use controller’s D-pad to navigate through Inventory Menu
                            Have a great gaming weekend and if you manage to find some scary bugs, please report here:
                            Minecraft issue tracker
                            COMMENTS ON THIS ENTRY ARE CLOSED.
                            PREVIOUS POST: Minecraft snapshot 15w43c
                            NEXT POST: Hallowee

                            IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端14楼2015-10-24 16:14
                              您好我们是超级高兴目前更新0.12.3 Minecraft:袖珍版和Windows 10 Beta版Minecraft。这里的调整:[ 9985 ]位置不正确提示JIRA和能见度时间过短溜(蹲)动画现在是从第一人称视角固定,控制器不失去其功能的屏幕防止死亡标志出现在Mojang iPhone 6 +停止开采强度并不是被动地成长,可见,允许一个命中打破项目从快捷栏第一槽有重复时,放置在不同的快捷栏槽从库存固定节约不腐败的怪物的房间控制器提示(“【x】选项卡”)不重叠,在库存菜单播放器快捷栏不能使用控制器的方向键来浏览目录菜单有杰出的游戏周末如果你能找到一些可怕的错误,请在这里报告:Minecraft的问题跟踪器评论这个入口关闭。以前的帖子:Minecraft快照15w43c下一篇:万圣节皮肤来口袋和Windows 10推特©2010-2015 Mojang AB

                              IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端15楼2015-10-24 16:14