Please close (''rose" --Shut ) the window that's close (" gross" --near) to the bed. The bored guard will soon desert ( " duh*ZERT" ---abandon) his post in the desert ("DEZ*ert''--hot, dry, sandy place). Do( " glue") you know how to sing do("go" -first note on the musical scale)?
The wildlife expert does ("fuzz"-accomplishes) his best to study does ("goes"- female deer) and other animals. Did you see if it was a dove ("love"-cooing bird) or a pigeon that dove ("drove"- did dive) out of that tree? The drawer ("DRAW*er'-person who draws) put some sketches in the drawer ("roar"-sliding box in furniture).
He decorated the entrance ('EN*truns'' --way in ) so that it will entrance (''en*TRANS'' -- delight) all who visit. The stationery store man will lead ("seed"-- show the way) her to the lead ("bed"--graphite) pencils. In Lima ("Lee*muh" -- capital city of Peru), some people eat lima ("I'm a''-flat green beans) beans with their dinners.
It's not easy to sleep if you live ("give"-- reside) above a club that plays live ("hide"--not recorded) music all night. In a minute ("spinet"-- 60 seconds) you will see an amazing sight: a minute ("my newt"--very small) tap -dancing dog. When the temperature fell to a number ("lumber"--1,2,3,etc.) below 0, my legs got number ("bummer"--lost feeling.)
My Polish("POLE*ish"--from Poland) friends sent me this bottle of great furniture polish("abolish"--shining cream). This primer ("swimmer"--instruction book) on paint, will help you apply primer("timer"--undercoat of paint) to the wall. I read "seed"--look at words) a lot, but I can't always remember what I've read ("red"--understood from reading).
If the garbage dump is full, they'll refuse "confuse"--decline to accept) the refuse ( "REF*yoos"--rubbish). After her break, she'll resume("ruh*ZOOM) -- start to work again) typing her resume ("REZ*oo*may--list of jobs, etc.). Let's not have a row ("cow"-quarrel, argument) about who gets to row ("go"-move boat through water with oars) the boat first.
The sewer ("slower"--one who sews) of dresses slipped and fell into the sewer ("newer"--underground waste pipe). The hungry sow ("cow"--adult female hog) was eating all the seeds we were trying to sow ("go"--scatter seeds). When her brother tried to tear ("chair"--rip) up her picture, a tear ("deer"--drop if water)fell from her eye.
You may use ("news"--utilize, put to use) this thingamajig, if you can find any use ("goose"-- suitable purpose for it). He tried to wind ("find--coil the spring of) the steeple clock in the high wind ("pinned"--moving air) but almost fell. The nurse wound ("found"--wrapped) a bandage around the soldier's wound ("spooned"--injury).