.Will you be curious enough to try and explore the whole castle, even if you know you can get in trouble for visiting some parts of it?肯定29.How frequent will your visits to the library be?有空就去30.If someone was to form an organization similar to dumbledore's army, will you join?毋庸置疑31.If you were to get detention, what task would you prefer? Would you want to scrub cauldrons or clean trophies or sort through unlabeled books or…?带我去禁林,我要去玩!32.On your o.w.l.s, what subject/s will you get an O in? Which ones do you think you’ll get a T on?前者大概是魔咒还有魔法史!后者…可能是天文吧…33.How about in your n.e.w.t.s?普普通通啦我又不是学霸34.If you were a pure-blood, would you take interest in reading muggle literature?无论是不是都会看的好吧!35.At what time do you think you'll go to bed on weekdays?取决于几点起36.Would you prefer firewhiskey over butterbeer?个人不喜欢酒味浓的所以就黄油啤酒了37.What wizard snack would be your favorite? Or which one would you like to try?比比多味豆!38.Will you collect chocolate frog cards?大概吧39.Will you keep track of which flavor of beans you already tried?那当然40.What quidditch team (excluding hogwarts houses) will you support?等等金妮加入的是哪支球队…伍德咧?41.What classes will you take for n.e.w.t.s?必修的加上古代魔文,麻瓜研究42.What will your boggart be?感觉很可能不是有形的东西43.Will you stay in the hog’s head or the three broomsticks?有酒喝不就行么44.If you are of age, will you try to enter the triwizard tournament if they ever host one again?我觉得自己还是围观吧45.What do you think happens during graduation?带着印着院徽的围巾和每一个说再见,走遍霍格沃茨的每一个角落,然后和三两好友在黑湖边闲聊看星空46.Will you see the thestrals carrying the carriages?但愿不会看见47.If you were invited to join the slug club, will you accept the invitation?嘿嘿嘿多结识几个名人也不错48.Will you consider becoming a professor in hogwarts after school?不会了,我不适合教书49.What would your patronus be?马或者猫头鹰,也可能是冰原狼吧(冰火串戏)