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Becoming an American


“Give me that bottle.” Uncle Arturo ordered in his new voice.Javier handed him the bottle of water and Uncle Arturo dumped it over himself, rolling his shoulders forward, cracking his neck, and taking a few sips.

1楼2015-12-05 01:23回复

    “These gringos aren’t adapted for this type of climate.” He said wiping off his brow.Javier was planning on moving to America, but he had been arrested a few times in his home country of Mexico, plus coming into America was a pain in the ass because of Customs and Border Patrol. It turned out his Uncle Arturo had a more permanent solution; all you need is his special pills and an American. Uncle Arturo had picked up this particular one at a spring break resort. Moments earlier, he had slipped on the American boy and seemed to be picking up all of the mannerisms and memories of the boy within the minutes following.

    2楼2015-12-05 01:24
      “Isn’t it hot in there?” Javier asked.“There’s no ‘in there,’ I’m him now,” Uncle Arturo answered. “Wait, so you’re completely American?”“As much American as this boy is… er, was.”“So I get the pills, too?”“Yeah, and only one set, so don’t fuck this up. I’m getting back to his group at the resort. I’ll meet you where we agreed in a week. Remember: BE CAREFUL at the border. These assholes are so on edge all the time. Just be compliant and get one of the Americans alone.”

      3楼2015-12-05 01:26
        Javier leaned against the wall near the window of the Border Patrol trailer while the buff American patrolman shuffled his papers. Javier was studying his impressive arms as he looked down at the papers. This guy was definitely older than Uncle Arturo’s American, but only by a few years. Probably in his late 20’s, he guess-timated. He looked damn good, though, and he better have been since Javier was going to be him in a few moments.“Officer Frank Taylor, kid. And you are… Ja-vare? Like Les Mis?” the officer began.“Javier.” Javier corrected, rolling his eyes.“Javier. Not that it matters. Bottom line is you’re going back where you came from. No America. You understand?”“I speak English, gringo.”“I see. Well, you’re also going to get some charges for trying to enter illegally. Some more stains you can add to your… colorful record.”Javier sighed, “I guess it was worth trying.”“What, just walking in?”“Yeah, it wasn’t the best choice, I guess. Overconfidence. Just a side effect.”Officer Taylor looked up, “Side effects? Of what?”Javier smirked. This guy looked like a recreational user. “Just some stuff my uncle gave me.”“Oh yeah? What’s the name?”“No name, just good stuff. Makes you feel like a god. When I was walking up to the border, I felt like I was 50 feet tall. It boosts the confidence. It just makes you just want to pump some iron, you know what I mean? Plus, it gives you a crazy sex drive.”Officer Taylor was noticeably intrigued, “You, uh… Um… Do you have any on you?”Javier beamed, “Yeah, man, just one.”“Typical Mexicans… y’all are like a walking drug store.”

        4楼2015-12-05 01:27
          Javier produced the pill from his pocket, “Uh, yeah. Hey, if you like it, just tell your friends. It’ll give it a head on the market.”Officer Taylor took it from his hand, “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. But I’m keeping your information.” He popped it in his mouth.“Sure, man. How you feeling?”Officer was holding his head, “Aw, man, a little woozy. A bit hot.”“Yeah, uh, it’s the energy kicking in. You feel pumped yet?”“I’m feeling something,” Officer Taylor was unbuttoning his shirt, stumbling around a bit.“50 feet tall, right? Man, you look it. You look fuckin’ jacked. Check out those pecs! They look like their bursting.”“Yeah, man, I feel like a giant. You like those fuckin’ pecs, fence hopper?” He started bouncing his pecs for Javier. “Oh, man, the fuck did you give me? It’s so hot… so hot…” Officer Taylor was wiping his forehead. He started talking off his pants. His thick cock sprung through the slit in his boxers, “Oh, man! Hahaha! Look at that! I guess you’re right about the sex drive! Hahahaha!” he slurred drunkenly. “Woah, man, relax a bit.”Officer Taylor collapsed on the floor in a giggly moan. He took a deep breath and exhaled for a very long time. It seemed as though all of the air in his body was leaving. He still had a faint breath. Javier knew what to do.

          5楼2015-12-05 01:27
            Repeating what he saw Uncle Arturo perform days earlier, Javier disrobed all of his clothes and took his pill. He immediately felt like rubber. He moved over to Officer Taylor’s body and kicked it with his bare foot. It gave in a bit, as though it were empty of bones and organs. Javier sat down over his head, straddling the top of the officer’s head with his groin, and stretched the officer’s mouth open and fed the tip of his feet in. He heard the officer’s breathing get more labored though his nose, and Javier took a deep breath. He pinched Officer Taylor’s nose, cutting off airflow. Immediately, the officer began sucking. Slowly, Javier’s feet were sucked in, then after he was past his ankles, his legs and torso were sucked in as though covered in oil. As Javier was fed into the officer’s mouth, he could see the officer’s feet vibrating to life, like something was filling them up like a sack of water. He wiggled his toes and saw that the officer’s feet wiggled the same way. It was like his body was elongating to match the officer’s size. More importantly, it was working. Javier could feel himself getting hard at the sight of him being sucked into the officer. Once his erect member passed though the officer’s expanding mouth, he could feel it filling into the cop’s member. Next his torso, then he let go of the officer’s nose and fed his arms into the tight opening, immediately feeling the rush of power with the officer’s huge arms. He could feel his neck sliding in and took a deep breath as the officer’s mouth closed in around his head on his own mouth. It was all blackness as he could feel the features of his head expanding and reshaping and as his body felt like it was undergoing the last of the expanding into the shape of the officer’s body. He last felt like if he were to climb out of the body right now, he would have the exact type of size and shape he’d been working towards for a long time.
            He felt like he was going to black out from holding his breath when he exhaled and sharply inhaled, opening his eyes, seeing his new heaving chest in the lower periphery of his vision. He stood up, looking over and flexing his new body. It had really worked! Not that he hadn’t already seen it firsthand, but he’d never done something like this before. He knew he had to act fast to cover himself. He took off his shirt, wrapped it around his fist, and punched the window he was leaning against in his former body, shattering the glass. He grabbed a shard and sliced himself in his new torso, wincing at the pain, and collapsed on the floor for his performance as the other officers charged though the door asking what was wrong.

            6楼2015-12-05 01:28
              “The hell kinda mess did you get yourself in, Taylor?” asked an older, paunchier border patrol officer.“Kid broke the window and got away! I tried grabbing him but he sliced me before I could. Kid was doped up on some drugs. He told me.” Javier, or Frank Taylor now responded.“Drugs or not, we’re supposed to be prepared for this kinda shit. You know that’s gonna be a suspension for you. Boys, get the ATV and see if you can catch that Mexican delinquent fucker,” the older man ordered.
              He was right; Frank was suspended without pay for two weeks. But that didn’t matter; he was going to be quitting before he would be able to come back, anyways. Frank got in his truck, went back to his condo in Texas, USA, and took a shower in his new body, jacking off for the first time with another man’s equipment. He got out and put on some tight red briefs, downloaded a hookup app, and snapped a picture. Maybe he’d get to break in this body before meeting up with his uncle.

              7楼2015-12-05 01:29

                8楼2015-12-05 01:29

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