soully吧 关注:22贴子:922
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This title contains the plausible topic words may write in this exam.

IP属地:上海1楼2015-12-25 13:17回复
    Low carbon life style
    sustainable way of development
    employing public transportation instead of private cars
    climbing stairs instead of using elevators
    Fiscal policy should be used to promote public transportation, fuel efficiency,
    high-occupancy car pooling and car-sharing cooperative initiatives.
    thrift and plain living
    cherish the precious food and grain
    surrendering the seat to the old
    no carving or scrabbing on the building

    IP属地:上海2楼2015-12-25 13:34
      invade one's privacy
      security issue;cyber crimes;physical problem;radiation weaken eyesight;less outdoor exercise
      psychological problem;indulge in virtual world;weaken the relationshio with family members and friends
      the old
      medical care and the pension pose a financail burden on gov.
      labor shortage; economy hole
      rich experience in both work and life
      the young
      curiosity;imitate;quich to learn
      lack of self-control;unable to distinguish right from wrong
      vulnerable to nagetive influences
      critical time of psychological development
      provide parental guidance

      IP属地:上海3楼2015-12-25 13:51
        Thrift is lost on most young people
        pay no attention to how much these things cost
        recklessly spend money
        fulfill one's vanity
        distorted values
        champion that thrift is the traditional virtue of chinese than the lavish
        Economy and distinction of urban and rural
        mor job opportunities;higher income
        better living conditions and infrastructures
        widen the gap between the rich and the poor
        inspire the sense of grievance;destroy social harmony
        at the cost of deterioration of environment
        add the fiscal transfers to poor regions
        help poverty areas cultivate technicians

        IP属地:上海4楼2015-12-25 14:53
          The history relic and tradition
          represent the thoughts of people in the past
          manifest the technology and feature of the culture
          be a live evidence for human bedings
          have an aesthetic value
          promote the development of tourism
          act as a guardian of historical building
          apply them to spread historical knowledge
          Media and NEWS
          overreport stories to hook public
          mislead the public with distorted and false info
          maxmize the profits
          lack of work morality/ethic
          supervision is not implemented perfectly
          resolutely resist the vulgar tendency in television
          enhance th journalists' professional quality and regulation of illegal advertising

          IP属地:上海5楼2015-12-25 15:05
            Globalization and Integretion
            inevitable and irreversible trend
            improve people's living standard
            enhance communication,appreciation and respect amomg different nations
            introduce more foriegn movies and books
            Responsibility and Chinese Dream
            corporate social responsibility
            sustainable development
            eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals
            make a job satisfaction and security a top priority
            improve the quality of life for the local community
            the starting point of achieving success
            difficult to the point of impossibility for people without dream to make progress
            actions turn the dream into a reality
            foster good habits and kill bad ones
            innovation and method are crucial to success

            IP属地:上海6楼2015-12-25 15:12

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2017-03-31 13:55

                来自Android客户端8楼2017-06-11 18:13