Solver:一个物理世界会有一个(解决器),用来推进时间,解决接触和关节限制. continuous collision(连续碰撞): The solver advances bodies in time using discrete time steps. Without intervention this can lead totunneling.(解决器按时间推进物体用的是离散的时间间隔,在没有干涉的情况下会导致隧道效应)
Box2d提供了一种专门的算法来解决tunneling问题. 首先,碰撞算法能插值出两个运动的物体轨迹,找到碰撞的第一时间.然后,会有一个子解算器将物体移动在那个第一时间来计算碰撞. First, the collision algorithms caninterpolate the motion of two bodies to find the first time of impact (TOI). Second, there is a substeppingsolver that moves bodies to their first time of impact and then resolves the collision.