给某些网友的: 一个踢野球的,一身的臭毛病臭习惯,回头来指点比自己小一轮以上的职业球员,是的,纵使这些小球员毛病再多,你?你老你有理?你业余你有理?你弱你有理?你是多数派你有理? 没踢过职业,没专业训练过,就别谈我为国踢球的话会怎样怎样 是的,大环境,家庭等等起主要因素,但是跟你一般大或者差不多大的,你咋没成郑智、蒿俊闵?你咋一个大屌丝码农大龄单身男青年,不要因为对方是国家队球员,就用为国争光去给对方道德绑架,国家队球员也是人,也要吃饭。只不过他们赚得比你多,这种赚得少,不服气,就是补偿心理。 有些网友真有觉悟,14 15岁的时候怎么不奋发图强好好踢球?被逼好好学习去了,又有几个一本,几个本科,几个大学?你行你上这种道理,我不信,这是强盗逻辑;不过,你行,你把自己这一行干好啊倒是! your life is loser 语法错了看不懂?别着急喷,先自己去百度再说。 网络就是这样的社区,有的人较真;有的人不在意(其实也是没能力在意吧),啥都没看就瞎JB喷。 If you copy and paste this line, and look it up to your fucking dictionary, then your life is indeed fucked up and you are a fucking loser. I don't think any well-educated Chinese between 20-35 haven't learn those extrem simple words and grammer, if you don't understand that, you are really not qualified to your high school study. Don't find any excuse, for a student in that time being, completing all study is PROFESSIONAL. How dare you blame those kids, while you did your job badly. You typical keyboarder wanker