Do you roll separately to move each minion in a group, or just roll once for the card on the initiative track and they all use the one result?
Each minion rolls and moves separately.
Do the large minions use the same ‘adjacent’ rules as the small minions?
Yes. It is a mouse figure that is used to determine adjacency, so a spider can't treat a space as adjacent just because it happens to have a larger base than a mouse.
If a mouse uses its movement to enter a water space, can ‘scurry’ be used to try and move onto another water space or even be used to try and move out of the water?
Yes on both counts.
Traffic jam in the water! If a mouse is upstream, and finishes his turn, but the space the current should move him into already has 4 units in it – does he stay put or bump the others downstream?
He stays where he is. He can't move so he doesn't move.
When mice revisit a previously explored tile do they draw another encounter card?
No. They only encounter the tile the first time they enter it.
Do you roll separately to move each minion in a group, or just roll once for the card on the initiative track and they all use the one result?
Each minion rolls and moves separately.
Do the large minions use the same ‘adjacent’ rules as the small minions?
Yes. It is a mouse figure that is used to determine adjacency, so a spider can't treat a space as adjacent just because it happens to have a larger base than a mouse.
If a mouse uses its movement to enter a water space, can ‘scurry’ be used to try and move onto another water space or even be used to try and move out of the water?
Yes on both counts.
Traffic jam in the water! If a mouse is upstream, and finishes his turn, but the space the current should move him into already has 4 units in it – does he stay put or bump the others downstream?
He stays where he is. He can't move so he doesn't move.
When mice revisit a previously explored tile do they draw another encounter card?
No. They only encounter the tile the first time they enter it.