OK so @editoress.Outertale.
Long ago, two major species colonized the Sol system.
很久以前,有两个种族殖民于SOL system【我不太清楚sol是什么单词的缩写..也许是soul,soil,或者指别的单词】
Inevitably, war broke out between the two powers.
After a long battle, the Humans were victorious.
They captured the monsters on a distant asteroid, and trapped them therewith a powerful EM shield.
Many years later… upon asteroid EBOT 1000T, in the year X102,
Spacers whisper that those who enter proximity to this asteroid are neverseen again….
“Monsters” are a variant of alien life that exist as cohesive colonies oftiny particles, kind of like coral. However, individuals with self-awarenessare bound together by their particular psychokinetic nervous field (what cameto be known as a ‘SOUL’), which is also able to manifest as released energy or"magic” as the superstitious might call it. Their bodies can take avariety of forms, based on information that seems to have been aggregated fromaround the whole galaxy, and each colony of particles forms a unique sense ofself– like the way human’s flesh bodies have cells. But they are sustained andheld together by this psychokinetic field, so compared to humans they actuallyare quite fragile and will lose cohesion if violently disrupted.
Dissolving into a chalky grey dust.
“Monsters(怪兽)”不同于外星人及外星生命体,它们由胶着的微小粒子集聚而成,有点像珊瑚虫。然而,这些个体的自我意识会受到一种来自它们自身心灵与精神的约束,(后来我们将这称为“SOUL”), 这种力量在后来被证实可以用来释放它们的能量,或者施展某种被迷信者们称为“魔法”的力量。 它们的身体以信息作为基础,这些信息似乎是由整个银河系内的物质聚合而成,凭借这个基础,它们的身体可以变化为多种形态,并且这种由粒子集聚而成的形式可以形成独一无二的自我感知(自我意识或自我形态)——就好像人类的肉体包含有细胞那样。但借由这种心灵力量(SOUL),它们(的形体相较于人类)将更加持久。【讲真psychokineticfield真的不太容易翻译】所以事实上,与人类相比,如果遭受猛烈的破坏,Monsters会变得脆弱,失去那种聚合的能力,毁灭性地变为一簇白灰色的粉尘。
But in return, they do not need to wear space suits, and very fewenvironments are truly toxic or inhospitable to them, whereas humans must haveconstant and particular climate control calibrated to mimic our home planet,and an atmosphere supply for breathing our highly toxic and deadly gas thatsustains us. Monsters just manipulate the conditions subliminally within theirpsychokinetic field to survive.
作为兼具这种不稳定性的回报,它们可以不穿宇航服,而且可以很好地适应那些有毒的,或是荒芜的环境。反之,人类则需要恒定的,特别的气候控制与校准以模仿我们的星球【应该是指现实中的地球】,而且人类需要能够支持呼吸的大气。Monsters只需要适当地调整它们的SOUL就可以生存。【psychokinetic field直接被我带入SOUL是我的锅】
However, upon encountering “monsters,” extended contact proved… very poor,as both parties discovered something unique about the similarities anddifferences between them. Humans also have a 'SOUL’– our bioelectrical activityfrom our centralized nervous system. But if affected by a monster’s magic, thatbioelectric activity had the potential to linger after death as a part of themonsters’ collective self. This is in contrast to monster SOULs, which arescattered amongst many millions of particles and only rarely can “staytogether” after death. If a monster killed a human, inhabited or otherwiseintegrated their brain and 'SOUL’, their magic power would reach a terrifyingapex and the restrictions of their fragile body would cease to matter.
Humans, steeped in media that had long prepared them for “monsters” and“body snatchers” reacted as well as you’d expect. War was declared, both sidesfearful of the other.
But the “monsters” were largely a peaceful people. They were foreign towar, and their bodies reflected that. Their civilization took cues from theirvery being: a cluster of many parts, with all their hearts beating together toform one loving alliance between individuals.
Humans do not need such feelings to survive.
Humans are an aggressive race, with overpowering wills and capacity forviolence. To survive and dominate on our highly toxic and war-ravaged world.Our existence has pushed us to the limits throughout our known history. Whilehumans cannot use magic, our minds and mental fortitude are so honed that theycreate a field of subtle entropy to monsters. It does nothing on the vastlyinert earth. But in the presence of a monster’s psychokinetic field, or thebackground static that permeates monster civilization, that force ofunstoppable intent is called
It was a massacre. Not a single human’s 'soul’ was integrated. In the end,only in response to accusations of genocide did humans concede to end theirattack.
They raised a one-way EM shield around the prison asteroid that wouldpermit ships in, but stop any psychokinetic field from escaping on its own. Andthey left the remaining monsters on their bleak rock. But a human having gaineda monster’s fading SOUL might disrupt it long enough to leave. But for anymonster to break the barrier forever, seven humans would have to be captured.That is the most recent calculation. If one human’s SOUL would devastate anentire planet, one shudders to think of that multiplied. Enough power,potentially, to wipe out all other forms of intelligent life in the sector– anamount of power early humans considered impossible for any race to manifest.And so the shield was raised.
Since then, several humans have crash-landed on the planet. And thesurvivors, after a tragic tale I’m sure you can guess, have been killed fortheir SOULS. The collection is nearly complete.
As for the 'monsters’ themselves? They mostly look the the sameish as inthe original game, though their appearances have different origins. “Ghost”type monsters actually have very few particles to them at all and mostly existas their psychokinetic field, and can seem intangible unless they bond with aphysical proxy body. These might be the most “orginal” type of monster, beforethey began imprinting on life they encountered in ancient times.
Common variants of monster can resemble alien mushrooms, mish-mashes ofexotic life from across the stars, beings of pure energy, and even elementsfrom earth life. “Skeletons” in particular are actually monsters that highlyresemble humans, inspired by that short time exploring planet earth. Butmonsters have no use to favor vs. disdain flesh, organs, skin, hair, etc. Norwould they actually resemble a human’s skeleton, which tends to be almostalways the same regardless of the body shape of the human. The most powerfulleader monsters, with the most resonant psychokinetic fields, always appear asa large and imposing hairy creatures: often with huge horns, sharp fangs, andkind, gentle eyes.
Most monsters seem 'soft’ and 'warm’ despite what texture their bodiesought to be from looking at them, and you can curiously “feel” them through anysort of clothes you’re wearing. They do also wear clothes– though not all ofthem might. Some even wear partial space suits, as humans do despite notneeding them. Monsters sure have weird fashion sense.
The asteroid itself is permeated with magic from its inhabitants… theircollective intent. And, strangely, despite that they desire to kill humans tobe free… their same intent enables you to lower your visor and eat, andbreathe, despite that there ought not to be atmosphere or correct pressure. Ifthey really wanted to murder you, were killers, they could just will their hometo stop synthesizing you oxygen… but they won’t.