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船舶轮机设备维护须知 Ship marine equipment maintenance Instruction 1. 主机及其系统 Main engine and its system 1.1. 使用维护说明书 Maintenance manual 1.1.1. 使用维护说明书上有作业指导、其内容有:使用工具、示意图及图注、注意事项。 There is work instruction in maintenance manual, including: tools use method, schematic diagram and legend, matters need attention. 1.1.2. 检修人员必须熟悉使用维护说明书,检修时应遵照其中的指示,进行装配或更换零 部件。 must be familiar with maintenance manual, and should do the overhaul in accordance with the instructions for assembly or replacing parts. 1.2. 注意事项Attentions 1.2.1. 检修主机必须向船长报告,船长须掌握动态并向主管机关报告,得到同意后方可进 行。 Maintenance personnel must report to the captain before he maintain the host, the master shall know well the movement and report to the administration, carrying out after getting the permit. 1.2.2. 盘车应注意 Attention when turning main engine 人员位置; Staff position; 应注意曲轴和机内有无障碍物; It should be noted whether there are obstacles in the crankshaft and entrails. 避免碰触拆了一半的某些部件。 Avoid touching some components which have done demolition half. 1.2.3. 起重操作时须注意 Lifting operation attentions 大管轮负责检查起重设备及属具,确保其完好无损。 Second engineer takes charge of checking the lifting appliance and its accessory to enture that it is intact. 注意适当调整船体正浮。谨慎操作,不盲目起吊。 Be attention to adjust hull floating on even keel of the hull appropriately. Be caution and do not hoisting blindly. 行车操作只听轮机长或轮机长指定的人员指挥。 Crane operation must only listen to the command of chief engineer or the person who is appointed by chief engineer. 1.2.4. 不乱做记号,一般在出厂做记号之处可以辨认的不可再做记号,如果是在非做不可 位置的记号,须抹去原记号,严禁用凿子乱做记号。 Do not Mark disorderly, generally we can not mark again on the leave-factory mark which is recognizable, if the place must be marked again, we shall wiped off the original mark, and strictly prohibit with chisels. 1.2.5. 尽量使用专用工具。 Try to use special tool 1.2.6. 拆掉缸盖后,敞开的孔必须封闭,防止东西掉进气缸内。 After removing the Cylinder head, the open hole must be seal off to prevent things falling into the cylinder. 1.2.7. 拆下来的零部件,必须适当安放,防止丢失。 The parts removed must be placed properly to prevent loss. 1.2.8. 拆下来的管子两端,管子的开口和敞开的油腔等应用清洁布包住。 Such as both ends of the tube removed, the openings of the pipe and open oil chamber shall be wrapt with clean cloth.
1.2.9. 用过的橡胶密封圈,不能重复使用。 Used rubber seals, can not be reused. 1.2.10. 正确安装锁紧装置、锁紧垫片,一般情况下开口销不能重复使用。 Install the Locking device and lock washers correctly, cotter pins can not be reused under normal circumstances. 1.2.11. 安装零部件时,必须注意清洁,防止遗留物件在机器里边。 When assembling the parts, must pay attention to clean, and prevent objects lifting inside the engine. 2. 付机及其系统 Generator engine and its systems 2.1. 管理人员必须认真阅读设备使用说明书,按说明书要求进行保养和检修工作,以保证 副机及其系统处于良好工作状态和使用安全。 Managers must read the equipment manual carefully, and do maintenance and repair work according to the instruction book to ensure the generator engine its system in good working condition and is safe to use. 2.2. 安装零部件时,必须符合说明书或船舶营运检验规范的要求。 We must follow the requirements of specifications or ship operation inspection norm when installing parts and components. 2.3. 上紧螺栓,尤其是上紧重要螺栓时,应使用扭力板手,并严格按说明书规定的上紧次 序及上紧力矩分次操作。 Tighten the bolt, especially tighten the important bolt, we shall use the torque wrench, and operate separately in strict accordance with the tightening sequence and tightening torque provided for by instructions. 2.4. 检修配对的零部件要注意记号,若制造厂已做了记号,不可再做记号,如果是在非做 不可位置的记号,须抹去原记号,严禁用凿子乱做记号。 Note the mark when examining and rpairing parts, if the manufacturer has made a mark, do not mark again, if we must mark in the position of original mark, we shall wiped off the original mark, and strictly prohibit use chisels. 2.5. 专用工具使用后须妥善保管,拆下来的零部件,必须妥善安放和保管。 Keep the special tools and the parts removed in a safe place. 2.6. 拆下的管子两端,管路的开口,敞开的油腔等必须用净布包妥以防落入异物。 Such as both ends of the pipe removed, the openings of the pipe and open oil chamber shall encase with clean cloth. 2.7. 注意用过的橡胶密封圈、锁紧垫片、开口销等不能重复使用。 Used rubber seals, lock washers, cotter pins can not be reused. 2.8. 注意换新配件时,厂家不同,带来零部件质量、厚落、尺寸的差异。 Note the different quality, thickness, size between the parts from different manufacturers when renewing parts. 2.9. 定期记录付机及其系统中各重要技术参数,并记录在轮机日志上。 Regularly record various key technical parameters of generator engine and its systems, and record them in the engine log book. 3. 锅炉维护保养须知 Boiler maintenance guidelines 3.1. 蒸汽停炉检修注意事项 Steam shutdown maintenance attentions 3.1.1. 尽可能使用专用工具。 Try to use special tool 3.1.2. 完成停炉操作后,炉顶空气考克没有蒸气逸出后约3-5小时才可打开上人孔门,再 隔4-6小时再开下人孔门。 After completed the shutdown operation, do not open the upper manhole until after 3-5 hours of no steam found escaping from the opened air cock on the top of the boiler, and then open lower manhole door after another 3-6 hours. 3.1.3. 拆卸的零部件,应做好记号并妥善保管,以防丢失。 The parts removed must be marked and placed properly against loss.
3.1.4. 安装时,应注意清洁管子用压缩空气吹净,确认无堵。 Clean/blow the pipe with compressed air when you prepare for installation to ensure it is not blocked. 3.1.5. 进入炉内检修工作前,必须将全部通气、通水管道阀门关闭,并挂上警示牌。 Before entering the inside of the boiler for inspection or repair, all the steam & water pipe valves must be closed, and warning board must be put up. 3.1.6. 进入炉内检修工作,所带工具及物品应清点,专人负责,检修工作行灯电压不应超 过36伏,进入烟道工作,应切断其他烟道和检修烟道的联系,以确保安全。 when we do maintenance work in the boiler, tools and articles should be counted, the portable lamp voltage should not exceed 36 volts, and specially-assigned person is responsible for the examine and repair. Working in the flue, the flue to be repaired should be cut off with other flue connection to ensure safety operation. 3.1.7. 安装人孔门时,必须使周围间隙均匀,用专用扳手均匀对称上紧螺母。 Installing the manhole door, keep the even peripheral clearance, the nuts to be tightened up uniformly symmetrically with the special wrenches. 3.1.8. 锅炉运行或炉内有压力时,不得进行焊补、上紧螺丝等工作。 Do not allow the work of welding up and tighting up etc. when the boiler running or in pressure condition. 3.2. 日常保养 Daily maintenance 3.2.1. 按月度预防维护检查实施执行。 Carry out month maintenance plan. 3.2.2. 定期检查运行锅炉气压、水位、蒸汽安全阀等情况、定期进行表面排污及炉水化验。 Regular check the situations of steam pressure, water level, steam safety valves, etc., proceed surface blow down and boiler water testing on a regular basis. 3.2.3. 按值班日志要求定期读取锅炉运行数据并记录之。 The running boiler parameters should be read and recorded at regular interval. 3.3. 停炉保养(指较长时间停用) Blowing down maintenance (refer to a longer time discontinued) 3.3.1. 满水保养法(停用1个月内): Full water preservation (discontinued 1 month) 满水保养之前,应将锅炉水全部放空,清洗锅炉内外部的水垢、烟灰及其它污垢物。
Before full water preservation, all the boiler water should be emptied, the boiler incrustation, soot and other contaminant inside and outside boiler should be clean. 打开锅炉顶部的放气伐,锅炉应全部充满水。 Open the air cock on the top of the boiler, the boiler should be fully filled with water. 按有关规定将所需药品溶解稀释后注入炉内,并定期化验炉水,必要时补充药品。 Dissolve and dilute the chemicals required in accordance with the the relevant provisions and inject them into the boiler, testing boiler water regular and replenish chemicals in necessity. 最后关闭空气考克。 Finally close the air cock. 3.3.2. 干燥保养法(长期停用): Dry preservation (long-term discontinued) 锅炉水先彻底放空,清洗干净,排净积水。 Thoroughly emptying boiler water, and then clean it, exclude the standing water clearly. 将锅炉烘干,之后将干燥剂放入炉内,立即关闭所有人孔门、各阀门,使锅炉密封 起来,以免空气进入。定期进行检查,并适时补加干燥剂。 Drying the boiler, and then put desiccant into the boiler, immediately turn off all manhole doors, each valve in oeder to make the boiler sealed to prevent air admission. Regular do inspections and timely replenish desiccant. 锅炉重新使用,必须取出干燥剂。 When the boiler is put into use again, the desiccant must be taken out. 4. 燃油/废气组合锅炉的维护 Fuel oil/ exhaust gas combined thermal oil boiler maintenance
4.1. 日常维护Routine maintenance 4.1.1. 检查导热油炉循环系统有无泄漏,消除泄漏。 Check the thermal oil circulating system for leakage, any leakage found to be eliminated in time. 4.1.2. 检查风门联接的各活动件的可靠性,加油润滑。 Check the reliability of all moving parts which connected to the damper, and well lubricated. 4.1.3. 清洁控制箱和热油循环泵的外表,保持环境卫生。 Clean the control box and the surface of thermal oil circulating pump to keep our environmental clean. 4.1.4. 经常清洗导热油过滤器和燃油过滤器,保持畅通。 Regular clean the thermal oil and fuel oil filters to keep them unblocked. 4.2. 定期维护 Periodic maintenance 4.2.1. 定期调整风门调节系统,保持风门关闭到位严密。 Periodically adjust the damper regulating system to keep it closed in place tightly. 4.2.2. 定期进行导热油取样化验。 The thermal oil should be sampled for analysis. 4.2.3. 每年导热油循环泵进行拆解维修保养。 The thermal oil circulating pumps to be overhauled for maintance every year. 4.2.4. 每三年对循环系统管系进行耐压试验,并对炉体和炉管进行全面检查。 The circulating piping should be carried out a pressure test every three years and have an overall examination to the furnace body and the furnace tube. 5. 锚机维护 Windlass maintenance 5.1. 离港后、大风浪过后、抛锚或进港之前经常性常规加油、保养(试验)。 Regular do routine refueling and maintenance (test) after departure or after a big storm, before drop anchor or arrival at a port. 5.2. 要重视把旧或变质失效的牛油换掉,尤其注意对内部油槽冲洗。 Attention should be paid to replace the old or metamorphic grease, especially pay attention to flush internal oil groove. 5.3. 锚机和系泊设备的轴承、传动齿轮、连接机械等运动部件应定期检查并加油保持良好 的润滑状态。 Windlass and mooring equipment bearings, drive gears, connecting mechanism and so on moving parts should be regularly checked and well lubricated. 5.4. 定期检查齿轮箱油位和油质,确保正常。 Regular check oil level and oil quality of the gearbox, ensure normal operation. 5.5. 定期检查马达绝缘、马达刹车、电气控制线。 Regularly check the motor insulation, motor brakes, electric control lines. 5.6. 经常检查锚机和系泊设备并调整刹车系统,保持其松紧适度,刹车正常。 Frequently check the windlass and mooring equipment and adjust the brake system to keep its degree of tightness appropriate and the brake normal. 5.7. 锚机或系泊设备如发生损坏,应及时组织船员修复,若船方无法修复,则通过公司机 务部尽早联系厂家修理。 If windlass or mooring equipment have damaged, it shall be promptly repaired by crew menmbers, and if the ship crew members are not able to repair, then contact the manufacturer through company technical department as soon as possible for repair. 5.8. 锚机和系泊设备检修内容,试验结果和测量数据必须记录存档。 Maintenance content, test results and measured data of windlass and mooring equipment must be recorded and filed. 6. 舵机Steering gear 6.1. 一般要求General requirements 6.1.1. 船舶舵机应保证船舶能不断地操舵,操舵装置应有足够能力,满足船舶处于以最大 营运航速航行时操舵需要。使舵自任一舷35 °转到另一舷30 °所需时间不应超过28S。 Ship steering gear shall ensure that ships can steer continuous, steering device has adequate
capability to meet the rudder needs of maximum operating speed sailing. The steering needed time when the shipboard form one side 35 °to the other 30 °should not exceed 28S. 6.1.2. 驾驶台和舵机间的操舵控制装置转换要灵活可靠、迅速。 The change-over operation of the steering control device between bridge and steering room should be flexible, reliable and speedy. 6.1.3. 舵叶位于或平行于船舶纵中部面时,舵机上舵角指示器应为零,驾驶台舵角指示器 的读数和实际角度应一致,允许偏差须符合船检规范要求。 When rudder blade lie or parallel to the ship longitudinal central surface, the steering gear rudder angle indicator should be zero, bridge rudder indicator reading should be consistent with actual Angle, allowable deviation shall be according with shipping inspect standards requirements. 6.1.4. 驾驶台和舵机房,机舱和舵机房的通信设施应良好有效。 Communication facilities between bridge and steering gear room, engine control room and steering gear room shall be effective. 6.1.5. 操舵装置的舵角限位器动作应准确灵活,当舵到达规定舵角即停止。 The movements of rudder limit switches on steering device should be accurate and flexible, the rudder limit switch immediately when the rudder reach the ordered rudder angle. 6.1.6. 应定期检查,试验舵机声光报警装置,使之保持良好状态和效能。 Steering gear audible and visual alarm device should be regularly checked, tested to keep it in good condition and efficacy. 6.2. 船舶航行中经常检查内容 Often check it during voyage 6.2.1. 油柜液压油位处于正常工作油位。 Hydraulic oil in the oil tank should be in good working oil level 6.2.2. 各润滑处加油。 Grease the oiling points. 6.2.3. 各系统的压力应保持正常值。 Keep the pressures in various systems in normal values. 6.2.4. 注意各运行部位的工作情况,倾听运行中的声响。 Note the working condition of every moving parts, listen the sound in operation. 6.3. 舵机停用时应对舵机机械、液压、电气系统进行清洁、保养、检查。 Clean, maintain, check the steering gear machine, hydraulic and electrical systems when the steering engine discontinued. 6.3.1. 用干净的布擦试撞杆和其它部位,以清除污物和污油,然后在各摩擦部位涂上新油。 Wipe steering gear ram and other postions with a clean cloth in order to clear away all dirt and dirty oil, and then grease each frictional postion with new oil. 6.3.2. 各润滑油杯中的油脂应定期清洁检查,然后加足油脂。 Lubricant grease in each lubricatorcup should be clean and check regularly, then add plenty of grease. 6.3.3. 系统、阀件和各密封填料处,若有不正常的漏油现象,应设法加以消除,过滤器应 定期清洗。 If abnormal leakage found from the system, valves and each gland packing postion, it should be eliminated, and the filter should be cleaned regularly. 6.3.4. 舵机设备拆检要严格按说明书要求进行,经过拆检后系统要设法排除空气。 Steering gear equipment must be overhauled strictly following manual, and vent the system after overhauling. 6.3.5. 清洁电机及其开关箱中的接触器,注意勿受潮,电线接头及连接螺丝不能松动,检 查用电设备的绝缘并保持正常状态。 Clean the motors and contactors in the switch-box, note don’t make it damp, wire terminal and connecting screws no loose, check the insulation of electrical equipment and keep it in normal state. 6.3.6. 船舶应经常利用停泊机会特别在空载情况下,检查舵叶、舵杆及其它连接处情况, 尤其是经过大风浪或其他海损后更应仔细察看。 Often take advantage of the anchorage opportunity, particularly in ballast, to check rudder blade, rudder stock and other joint, and look round them especially after big stormy waves or other average.

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