The aventadorroadster isn’t a car. It’s a deliriously complex work of art, a triumph ofdesign that makes every other supercar in the world—with the possible exceptionof Pagani’s Zonda and Huayra—look as if they’re just not trying enough. It’salso the finest portable sound system on sale: the aventador’s 6.5 litre, 691hpv12 is a hymn to furious, normally aspirated combustion in an era that’shell-bent on adding turbos or hybrid modules. It revs to 8500rpm, and does soin a great maelstrom of 12-cylinder fury.
Which is one very good reason why you’dhave the convertible Aventador rather than the coupe: to make the most of thatwonder noise. And you’d also take the roadster because it’s simply more splendid,reveling in its sheer silliness. Less driver-focused? Forget it. Honestly, ifyou get to the point, out on the road, of noticing any dynamic difference betweenthe aventador coupe and the roadster, you’re approximately point-eight of asecond from an enormous crash. The lack of a roof makes you feel less trapped,more in touch with the workings of that giant, glorious engine.
Unfortunately the Aventador roadster issomewhat slower than the coupe on which it’s based. Since this means a 0-62 mphtime of 3.0s rather than 2.9s, we suspect most potential owners will cope. Top speedstands at the same 217mph as the coupe.
It’s a simple spider. There’s no clever folding-roofmechanism here, rather a pair of carbon fibre roof panels (each weighing just 3kg)that the owner must pop from the roofspace and stow in the aventador’s frontboot. Once done, this leaves approximately enough rooms for a pair of socks.
Or a box of paracetamol. Just a fewminutes alone with the roadster’s single clutch, paddle-shift gearbox willinform you that this isn’t a friendly, accessible supercar. Slip thetransmission into “Race” mode and the aventador delivers gearshifts with athuggish thump to the back of your head, anneolithic transmission against thedigital-era cleverness of the double-clutch boxes in the Ferrari 458 and McLaren12C. But when it looks this good and sounds, who give a damn?
Aventador Roadster不仅仅是一辆车,它更是一个令人癫狂,集复杂工艺为大成的工艺品,它的设计如此美妙绝伦以至于让全世界其他超跑恨不得回炉重造,仅有帕加尼的Zonda 和Huayra能与之媲美。同时,全球最强便携式音响系统在此—6.5L的V12在输出691匹马力的同时高声宣唱着愤怒和激情的赞美诗。仅存的大马力自然吸气发动机在涡轮增压和混合动力当道的年代遗世独立。8500转的转速如风卷残云般宣泄那12缸的愤怒。
这也就是你为什么应该买敞篷版Aventador 而不是硬顶版:为那狂暴的声浪,多掏一点也值得。而且敞篷版看着也更加器宇轩昂。开车的时候不能集中注意力?算了吧。如果你能找到敞篷版和硬顶的一点点区别,那这时候你已经离撞毁这辆车只剩下0.8s了。还有的区别就是你感觉更加的自由了,离那具强大,绝伦的引擎更近了。