权健集团始终将“企业唯有有益于社会 才有其存在价值”作为企业的核心理念,将“不以首富为荣 但以首善为傲”作为核心价值观,心系苍生、扶济天下,积极履行企业社会责任,不断投入赈济救灾、医疗救助等社会各项公益事业,累计捐款总额已超过5亿元。
QuanJian Group has developed businesses invarious fields from Hospitals, Chinese herbal medicines & cosmetics, Foodsupplements, Banking & Investment, to Football clubs and Machinerymanufacturing etc. The Group is now enjoying prosperity based on the solidfoundation of multi functions of manufacturing, teaching, studying, researchand trading.
Under the leadership of the Chairman, Mr.Shu YuHui, QuanJian Group has deeply dedicated and contributed to thesystematically inheritance, scientifically renaissance and pragmaticdevelopment of the traditional Chinese medicine, by strictly following thephilosophies of “traditional Chinese medicine culture as our basic guidance,classical prescriptions as our core property, carrying forward traditionalChinese medicine quintessence as our responsibility, and promoting health ofmankind as our mission”, and the principle of “expert specialization andservice supreme is our highest paramountcy”.
QuanJian Group believes in, consistently,that only those enterprises, which benefit the whole society, have the value ofexistence. We are proud of being one of the best philanthropists, rather thanbeing one of the wealthiest enterprises only. Mr. Shu always thinks of thepublic welfare and tries all his best to help the common people. QuanJian Groupfulfills its social responsibility on disaster relieves, medical aids and otherpublic welfare issues, by donating persistently, with accumulative amount of500 million RMB (equivalent to over 77 million US dollars).
QuanJian Group invested enormously buildingone of the largest complex of hospitals of the world, with 20,000 beds and integratedservices of health check-up, medical treatment, medical rehabilitation andhospice care, located in different regions of China. The QuanJian Medical AidCompassion Project is a revolutionary innovation on providing latest cancertherapies to the utmost broad range of patients.
The oversea market will be a remarkableexpansion of our domestic prosperity. In 2016, we will devote our efforts toextend business into Vietnam, Indonesia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Kenya andother countries around the world. QuanJian Group is now striding toward amultinational corporation group! We are strongly confident that, under theguidance of the Chairman, Mr. Shu YuHui, the overseas business will be assuccessful as we are doing in the domestic market.
The overseas market is a perfect platformfor the outstanding partners of the Group to achieve even greater success. TheGroup will develop its advantages, in the fields of football and hospital, inlocal society, to accompany and support the growth of the core business.
Now, the Group is expecting all the partnersto participate and witness the splendid take-off of our overseas and globalbusiness!
The rally bugle call is now blowing. TheGroup is now calling upon all of you to follow the strategy and take thechallenges. Let us work together to achieve more successes and honors, in theprogress of implementing the Group’s globalization strategy!

