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Spotify and Apple Music are becoming increasingly bitter rivals, and according to new reports from The New York Times and Bloomberg, the feuding is now affecting artists. Spotify has been punishing artists who agree to Apple Music exclusives, displaying their content less prominently and offering fewer promotional opportunities.
Spotify对在AppleMusic做过短期/长期独家的艺人相应新作品采取不宣传 遏止在自己Spotify宣传的机会和给予少量宣传。
Spotify has explicitly told artists who offer Apple Music exclusives that their music won't be included on featured playlists, and Spotify has also "buried" their songs in its search rankings. The music streaming service has reportedly been using these retaliatory tactics for about a year.
Spotify has been retaliating against musicians who introduce new material exclusively on rival Apple Music by making their songs harder to find, according to people familiar with the strategy. Artists who have given Apple exclusive access to new music have been told they won't be able to get their tracks on featured playlists once the songs become available on Spotify, said the people, who declined to be identified discussing the steps.
Spotify's tactics may not affect major artists in a significant way, but according to Bloomberg, the service has also threatened smaller acts who introduce their music on Beats 1 Radio with Zane Lowe.
这个政策对大牌艺人的影响不大 但绝大多数的艺人会受到影响。
Earlier this week, Universal Music Group CEO Lucian Grange told employees that UMG is now prohibiting its artists from offering music exclusives, meaning popular content from Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar, and more, will no longer be eligible for debut solely on Apple Music. UMG's new policy has already affected Apple, preventing Apple Music from inking a deal with Lady Gaga.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-08-27 15:46回复

    2楼2016-08-27 15:46

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2016-08-27 15:47
        最后一段才是环球的新政策:旗下的大牌艺人等不再搞什么独家之类的;也是出于保护自身利益;首当其冲的是 Gaga最后一张唱片约的Deal

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-08-27 15:48

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2016-08-27 15:48
            所以 Rise不在Spotify推荐、播放列表、被限制,上不去排名这个原因也很大。

            来自iPhone客户端7楼2016-08-27 15:48

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2016-08-27 15:48
                像旗下的流媒体大户 KP ts 喇嘛 盆栽等 流媒体流量大户 以后没有哪一家独占一周的政策。

                来自iPhone客户端9楼2016-08-27 15:50
                  苹果音乐凭什么想搞一家独大做的好 有本事就一直独家下去

                  IP属地:云南来自iPhone客户端10楼2016-08-27 15:50
                    这点有些恶心了,不过apple music也的确有些逼太紧了,比如燕姿新EP AM独占半年

                    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端11楼2016-08-27 15:50
                      虽然一直没被加入多少大热门列表,但Rise还是被撤除了 所有的已经添加的列表;还受到影响的 首当其冲的 是 小牛;

                      来自iPhone客户端13楼2016-08-27 15:52
                        懒妮的新专辑之前也说要独家 am
                        现在am spo一样 全平台播

                        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端14楼2016-08-27 15:52
                          现在的问题是 苹果财大气粗 给艺人独占的政策 会根据独占的 时间、内容 专辑还是单曲、艺人大牌程度 给予很高的报酬,所以一直有艺人这样做;但Spotify和Applemusic的竞争愈发激烈,Spotify最大的优势:现在全球最大最广的流媒平台platform。

                          来自iPhone客户端15楼2016-08-27 15:54

                            来自iPhone客户端16楼2016-08-27 15:55