September 19 Bot Update
AddScriptPathingAvoidanceZone() now has a second parameter, which is its duration.
Added AddConditionalAvoidanceZone( vLocationAndRadius, funcEval) which takes a function which takes one parameter (the avoidance zone index returned by AddConditionalAvoidanceZone). When it returns false, the avoidance zone is disabled.
Added InstallChatCallback( func ) which will cause func() to be called, which takes one parameter which is a table containing player_id, team_only, and string.
The completion function passed into GeneratePath() now has 3 parameters -- the second one is new, and is the index of the path request returned from GeneratePath().
Fixed the logic of HasBuyback() being incorrect.
September 19 Bot Update
AddScriptPathingAvoidanceZone() now has a second parameter, which is its duration.
Added AddConditionalAvoidanceZone( vLocationAndRadius, funcEval) which takes a function which takes one parameter (the avoidance zone index returned by AddConditionalAvoidanceZone). When it returns false, the avoidance zone is disabled.
Added InstallChatCallback( func ) which will cause func() to be called, which takes one parameter which is a table containing player_id, team_only, and string.
The completion function passed into GeneratePath() now has 3 parameters -- the second one is new, and is the index of the path request returned from GeneratePath().
Fixed the logic of HasBuyback() being incorrect.