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Question :
Rinpoche, do you have any overall advice for people in China?
Rinpoche Answer:
I have no authority to give any advice to anyone, let alone to Chinese people, since I know so little about Chinese culture and history. But, since I have many Chinese friends and have been to China several times, and since you ask, I’ll do my best to offer some suggestions just based on my personal observations.
It seems to me that many Chinese make the mistake of thinking that “to have” is “to be”. As a human being I understand that confusion to some extent. It is good to have a roof over your head, enough to eat, and a decent balance in your bank account. But when “having” becomes excessive, I think you lose what it means just “to be”. And when you lose that, you can’t be happy. After all, what’s the point of having so much if you’re unhappy?
Because China has so many newly rich people, I think it’s safe to say they often have a “nouveau riche” mentality too, which can sometimes be quite crass, vulgar, and materialist.
I shouldn’t compare, but I can’t help thinking of those in India with old, inherited wealth, who often have something so elegant, refined, cultured, and good about them. Though often very rich, they may not wear Rolex watches or have fancy cars and homes, and yet are so relaxed and dignified. You can have a proper cultured conversation with them, which I find very rare in China.
Chinese friends have told me they had to buy a thousand dollar handbag because their company insisted they look good at dinners or lunches. That tells me something of the mentality of the newly rich, but also makes me sad because the fundamental insecurity it shows will never be eased just by buying more expensive stuff. Of course the consumer products industries are delighted with that materialist culture.

IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2017-01-25 01:22回复