①reverie ['revəri] n.幻想
eg.:fall into a ~沉溺于不实际的空想之中/ I felt caught up in a ~ of years long past.我仿佛沉浸于多年前的白日梦中。
②tenure ['tenjuə(r)] n.(大学教师等)终身职位;任期
eg.:Teachers in universities are granted ~ after six years.大学老师满六年即长期受聘。/ The ~ of the US president is 4 years.美国总统的任期是四年。
③tepid ['tepid] adj.温热的;不太热烈的;不热情的
eg.:The water was ~.那水是温的。/ ~ applause稀稀拉拉的掌声
①reverie ['revəri] n.幻想
eg.:fall into a ~沉溺于不实际的空想之中/ I felt caught up in a ~ of years long past.我仿佛沉浸于多年前的白日梦中。
②tenure ['tenjuə(r)] n.(大学教师等)终身职位;任期
eg.:Teachers in universities are granted ~ after six years.大学老师满六年即长期受聘。/ The ~ of the US president is 4 years.美国总统的任期是四年。
③tepid ['tepid] adj.温热的;不太热烈的;不热情的
eg.:The water was ~.那水是温的。/ ~ applause稀稀拉拉的掌声