96演唱会的情况,好像是一个伊迷用英文写得,后翻译出来,年代久远。 我简直不能相信,EKIN会在亚特兰大举行了一个演唱会,而且是和松松一起举行的!刚听说这个消息时我简直不敢相信。EKIN和松松是我最喜欢的香港演员,他们居然在这里举行演唱会!我很高兴能参加,这也是EKIN在美国的第一个演唱会! 整个演唱会的内容比我想象的更丰富。EKIN非常英俊、可爱,好有魅力!他的歌声比CD中的更动听!整场演唱会期间,我一直被深深吸引着!松松确实很漂亮,比电视和照片上看起来更修长。演唱会随着EKIN的出场而拉开序幕,EKIN先唱了几首歌,之后松松出现了,和EKIN合唱了一首歌。 松松接替EKIN又唱了几首歌。之后,她走下舞台与观众握手。我也握到了松松的手,太激动了!然后,松松请了7位FANS上台做游戏。游戏的内容是大喊“妈妈,我爱你”,比赛谁的持续时间最长。松松还让助手到观众中分发签名照和专辑封面。我得到了一张松松的最新专辑“爱到一千年”的签名封面。 松松还要求一位观众在她唱歌时摆POSE。真是很有趣,因为那个家伙听不懂中文,只好硬着头皮摆了几个滑稽的POSE!之后,EKIN再次出场,事实上,他下台后必须穿过一片花海(康乃馨),才能走到观众中间(这些花是为观众中的母亲们准备的,因为那天是母亲节)。我太激动了,EKIN走到观众前面的时候,我几乎是跳到他面前的!我还从他手中拿了一枝花!但我实在是被一切弄昏了头,居然忘记去和EKIN握手! EKIN又唱了一些歌曲片段。由于松松刚才的游戏太受观众们欢迎了,EKIN也请了一些FANS,男的女的都有,让他们扮演夫妻。“妻子们”表演的是劝“丈夫”去做一些他们不愿意做的事。场面实在是很有趣!当然,“妻子们”都是想去参加EKIN的演唱会。 演唱会在EKIN和松松合唱的“命运”中结束。可以说,这次演唱会简直令人难以置信,我很庆幸自己没有错失!由于这是EKIN的第一次演唱会,他不像松松那样善于调动气氛。相比之下,松松的演唱会经验更丰富,她知道观众需要什么,但EKIN用他的歌声和表演弥补了一切 原文 Ekin & Nnadia's Mother's Day In Concert '96 Date: May 12, 1996 Time: 2am & 2pm Location: Mark G. Etess Arena - Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort Atlantic City, USA Concert Reporter: Usagi I can't believe that Ekin is finally holding a concert in Atlantic City, and to hold it together with Nnadia too! I couldn't believe it when I first heard about it. Ekin and Nnadia are my two most favorite Hong Kong stars, and they are holding a concert here together! I'm so happy I was able to go to their concert, which was also Ekin's first concert in the U.S. The whole concert was more than I imagined that it would be. Ekin was more handsome and cute and magnetic in person. His singing was even better than his CDs! I was practically mesmerized during the whole concert. Nnadia was really pretty, and much more slender in person than on TV and pictures. The concert started with Ekin coming out and he sang a couple of songs, then Nnadia came out, and she and Ekin sang a song together. Nnadia then took over and she sang some songs. After that she came down the stage to shake hands with the audience. I was so excited and I got to shake her hand! Then Nnadia asked 7 fans to come up onto the stage to have a contest. The contest was to see who can yell "Mom, I love you" and hold it for the longest time. Nnadia also had her assistant run down to the audience and pass out autographed pictures of herself and her album covers. I got an autographed album cover of her most recent album "Love Until A Thousand Years". Nnadia also asked up a guy from the audience who posed while she sang one of her songs. It was quite funny, because the guy didn't understand Chinese, so he just sort of improvised and did some funny poses. After that, Ekin came back out and he actually came down from the stage to pass out a lot of flowers (carnations) to the audience (it was really for the moms in the audience since it was Mother's Day). I was so excited that I jumped in front of Ekin while he was walking along the front, and then got a flower from him. But I was so awed by everything that I forgot to shake Ekin's hand :( Anyhow, Ekin then sang a medley of songs, and since Nnadia's contest went so well and the audience seemed to like contests a lot, Ekin called up some fans in pairs of guy and girl, and had them act as hu**ands and wives. The wives were supposed to persuade the hu**ands to go do something that the hu**and didn't want to do. It was actually quite funny. Of course, the wives mostly wanted to go to Ekin's concert. ^^ Then it all ended with Ekin and Nnadia singing a song together, "Fate". All in all, the concert was unbelievable, and I'm so glad that I didn't miss it. Since this was Ekin's first concert, he wasn't as entertaining as Nnadia was. Nnadia had lots of experiences so she knew what the audience wanted, but Ekin made up for it in his singing and performance.