HYDRUS 是基于微软Windows 环境,分析孔隙介质中水流和溶质运移的模拟软件。它包括用于解决一维问题的公共区HYDRUS-1D 软件包,以及解决二维和三维问题的HYDRUS 软件包。模型具有灵活方便的操作界面,能很好模拟土壤水流、热量和溶质运移,深受各国学者推崇,广泛用于生态环境科学问题的研究中。当前,已有超过1000 篇基于HYDRUS模型模拟的SCI 科技论文发表。
本培训在中国已成功举办五届,深受学员的欢迎。2018年科学软件网和中国科学院生态环境研究中心再次力邀HYDRUS模型的开发者,美国加州大学河滨分校 Jirka Simunek 教授就HYDRUS 2D/3D 模型应用进行现场培训,同时中国科学院生态环境研究中心陈卫平博士就HYDRUS 1D进行现场讲解。培训结束后,颁发结业证书。
Dr. Jirka Simunekis a Professor of Hydrology with the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of California. He received an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, and a Ph.D. in Water Management from the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. His expertise is in numerical modeling of subsurface water flow and solute transport processes, equilibrium and nonequilibrium chemical transport, multicomponent major ion chemistry, field-scale spatial variability, and inverse procedures for estimating the hydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media. He has authored and coauthored numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, and several books. His numeric models are popularly used by many scientists, students, and practitioners modeling water flow, chemical movement, and heat transport through variably saturated soils and groundwater. Dr. Simunek is a recipient of the Soil Science Society of America’s Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award, is a Fellow of both SSSA and AGU, and is or was an associate editor of several journals including Vadose Zone Hydrology, the Journal of Hydrology, and Water Resources Research.
2018年7月2日 主讲人:陈卫平研究员
第一讲 模型基本理论与应用实践Model Theories and Application Experiences
第二讲 系统介绍孔隙介质中水流和溶质运移模拟的相关内容Vadose zone flow and transport modeling: An overview
练习1 HYDRUS-1D:水流在一维土壤剖面上的入渗模拟HYDRUS-1D: Infiltration of water into a one-dimensional soil profile
第三讲 介绍HYDRUS-1D软件(模拟一维变饱和水流运移和溶质迁移的模型)The HYDRUS-1D software for simulating one-dimensional variably-saturated water flow and solute transport
第四讲 非饱和空隙介质的水力学参数测定On the characterization and measurement of the hydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media
练习2 HYDRUS-1D:水流运移和溶质迁移在单一土层中的模拟HYDRUS-1D: Water flow and solute transport in a layered soil profile
第五讲 有限元法求解变饱和水流运移和溶质迁移方程Application of the finite element method to variably-saturated water flow and solute transport
第六讲 利用实验室或田间实验进行反演模拟Inverse modeling; application of HYDRUS-1D to laboratory and field experiments
练习3 反演模拟练习HYDRUS-1D: One- or multi-step outflow experiment
2018年7月3日 主讲人:Dr. Jirka Simunek
第七讲a 有限元法求解二维变饱和水流运移和溶质迁移方程Application of the finite element method to 2D variably-saturated water flow and solute transport
第七讲b 介绍HYDRUS (2D/3D)软件HYDRUS (2D/3D) software for simulating two- and three-dimensional variably-saturated water flow and solute transport
练习4 地下线源污染模拟(例如滴灌)HYDRUS (2D/3D): Subsurface line source
练习5 沟灌条件下溶质运移模拟HYDRUS (2D/3D): Furrow infiltration with a solute pulse
练习6 HYDRUS (2D/3D): Flow and transport in a transect to a stream
练习7 三维水流运移和溶质迁移模拟HYDRUS (2D/3D): Three-Dimensional Water Flow and Solute Transport
2018年7月4日 主讲人:Dr. Jirka Simunek和陈卫平研究员
第八讲 优先流及非平衡流条件下的水流运移和溶质迁移模拟Preferential and Nonequilibrium Flow and Transport
练习8 HYDRUS-1D: Nonequilibrium Flow and Transport
第九讲 水、水蒸气、能量运移的耦合模拟Coupled movement of water, vapor, and energy
练习9 HYDRUS-1D: Coupled movement of water, vapor, and energy
第十讲 多组分的生物地球化学运移模拟(HP1模块)Multicomponent biogeochemical transport modeling using the HYDRUS computer software packages; Introduction to the HP1 code, which was obtained by coupling HYDRUS-1D with the PHREEQC biogechemical code
练习10 运用HP1模拟单一溶质的运移(考虑矿物质的阳离子交换、沉淀、溶解)Applications of HP1 to simple solute transport problems involving cation exchange and precipitation/dissolution of minerals
第十一讲 HYDRUS今后的发展Other applications and future plans in HYDRUS development
Hydrus 1D属于免费软件,大家可以提前学习一下【点击下载】
培训地点:中国科学院生态环境研究中心生态楼(北京市海淀区双清路18 号)
联系方式:张小姐 010–82890740/ 62669215
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