【Stick Luke/卢克】
Stick Luke is a sea green stickman with a blue border who's a member of the Slush Fighters. He has the power to create and throw tomahawks and their delayed Spawnahawk counterparts. This is a reference to Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Slush Invaders
Stick Luke is seen running into Slusher Wing, throwing tomahawks at every Blue he encounters. Near the end of his scene, he starts using his pistols before running off and slashing a Blue with another tomahawk. Luke later appears to gang up on Big Blue.
在电影中,卢克一边朝着Slusher Wing冲去,一边朝着所有他遇到的Blue投掷手斧。在他的镜头快结束的时候,他使用起了手枪,并再次用手斧将一个Blue劈砍开然后离开。卢克后来出现与其他战士一起联合对付Big Blue
Slush Invaders: Game
Stick Luke is one of the fighters captured by Big Blue's men. He was caught when he and the other fighters in the middle fell into a makeshift pit made by the invaders where he was soon put in a cage and sent into a Binary Cell. He is later rescued after beating Data Wall.
卢克是被Big Blue的手下抓获的战士之一。他和其他站在中间的战士一起掉进了入侵者先前伪装好的坑里,并被关进笼子里送进双重牢房中。他在数据墙被打败后被解救出来
• Gildedguy says that "he really loves" his Tomahawks.
• His real life counterpart plays Call of Duty.
• Luke's YouTube account can be found here.
• As said by Gildedguy in one of his "Fun Facts" during NG+ Mode, Stick Luke's real life counterpart found over 20 bugs when he was testing the game.
• Stick Luke had pistols in the movie, but he never used them in the game.
• Stick Luke was thirteenth in the lineup when the Slush Fighters were ganging up against Big Blue. He was captured when he fell into the pit that opened up under him, along the others who were within or did not manage to move out of it in time.
在Slush战士联合对抗Big Blue的时候,卢克排在队伍的第十三个。他和其他没能成功躲开的战士一起掉进了打开在他身下的一个坑并被抓获
• Stick Luke could be seen in a cage being dragged away by some of the backup Blues in the opening cinematic, along with Stomar and Staddison.
• Stick Luke was imprisoned by being trapped in Python codes. This may be a reference to how Stick Luke was one of the only people (excluding Gildedguy) who tested the game for bugs. He also is unlocked after Data Wall, a digital code world.
• Strangely, despite being considered a soldier, Stick Luke doesn't wield a gun.
Contrary to what some people believe, Tomahawks are real weapons that have appeared all throughout history, mostly used by American Indians.
• During the montage between Stick Luke and Steric's scenes, Stick Luke hit only one Drab.
• Stick Luke's tomahawks have the ability to knock down a Cobalt in 2-3 shots.
• Stick Luke and Stick Waqas are the only input fighters that do not use a gun in the game, though he did use it in the movie.
• He received a new character design/accessory in the game Slush Tile Rush, wearing light-purple sunglasses.
• Luke's new tomahawk design bears a striking resemblance to Sokka's boomerang.