By Zoomba Posted December 15, 2008 20:51:20
Competition was tight, the votes coming in fast and furious and the outcome unclear right up until the end. But after making sure all the votes were on the up-and-up, we’re ready to announce the winners of Most Usable WindowBlinds skin for the 2008 GUI Championships.
Based on the finalists selected by myself, Brad Wardell & Angela Marshall and voted on by our community of users, here are the winners:
Competition was tight, the votes coming in fast and furious and the outcome unclear right up until the end. But after making sure all the votes were on the up-and-up, we’re ready to announce the winners of Most Usable WindowBlinds skin for the 2008 GUI Championships.
Based on the finalists selected by myself, Brad Wardell & Angela Marshall and voted on by our community of users, here are the winners: