Darren Mountain @DJDAZZA84 44秒45秒钟前
Despite being rejected, Liverpool's £57m bid for Naby Keita is the most the club has ever bid for a player, & FSG are prepared to go higher.
尽管被拒绝,利物浦 57 00万英镑报价 Naby 凯塔是俱乐部历史上最高的一名球员,且FSG 准备继续二次报价。
Despite being rejected, Liverpool's £57m bid for Naby Keita is the most the club has ever bid for a player, & FSG are prepared to go higher.
尽管被拒绝,利物浦 57 00万英镑报价 Naby 凯塔是俱乐部历史上最高的一名球员,且FSG 准备继续二次报价。