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1. Laughter is a lovely thing. (笑!显得你可爱无比)
Ever notice how some of the hottest peoplehave a wicked sense of humor? They're busy laughing rather than taking life tooseriously, and they keep you grinning too. These hotties aren't afraid of a fewlaughs at their own expense either. Laughter is not only a great method forde-stressing, keep it up and you will even burn some calories. Go ahead, cracka smile.
2. Take a moment to become more cultured.(花点儿时间让自己变得文雅有修养)
Cultured individuals are aware of variousareas of society. People are drawn to their knowledge, experiences and theircuriosity for new things. There are simple ways to become more cultured. Manyof today's films have been adapted from books. Why not try a book that you'vealways heard about, but never read? After you've finished the book, watch asyou suddenly recognize all the cultural references that point to that piece ofliterature. You can become familiar with just about anything from books, towine or music. As you dance to the sweet, sweet melody, take in importantdetails such as the artist as well as the year it was released.Congratulations, you've just gained some musical knowledge—equating to a bit ofculture.
3. Walk with confidence and you'll feelfoxy. (走路自信,性感妩媚)
Confidence is an attractive trait to have.If you want to communicate to anyone around you that you possess thischaracteristic, a great place to start is with your walk. Making sure that youwalk with your eyes facing forward can help give off a positive impression. Anupright position helps improve your posture and looks so much more attractivethan slouching. This can translate into the way that you sit as well. There iseven the possibility of preventing excessive back pain in the future. Forwomen, finding a pace at which you are comfortable is a great way to helpproject confidence as you walk. Get into the practice of lifting your chin andpulling in your shoulders whenever you walk. Your walk is an importantnonverbal indicator of how you feel.
4. Sticking to Your Convictions.(坚持自己的信念)
Convictions come in many forms and arespecific to each individual. Where one person may find an act morally wrong,another might feel the opposite. Because of your convictions, you may exposeonly minimal skin or you may find it necessary to confess to bad behavior. Thefact is, mature adults may not necessarily agree with all of your choices butthey will be able to respect that it is a part of who you are. If you expressyour convictions and are unwavering toward sticking to them without feeling theneed to push these convictions onto others, that is all the more reason torespect you.
5. Do some sport(做运动)
Creating and adhering to a workout schedulewill result in strengthening of your muscles and weight loss. You will benefitinternally and the results will eventually become physically noticeable aswell. Getting in at least 30–45 minutes of exercise three to five days a weekwill help maintain your body weight, and contribute to long-term benefits aswell.
6. Put good inside, and get a gorgeousglow. (魅力四射,由内而发)
Making these items a large part of yourdiet will help create a beautiful complexion. Water is a fluid you will alwayswant to have an abundance of inside your body. Not only does it hydrate you, itcontributes to cell growth. Remember to never underestimate the effectivenessof these food and drink options in helping you get the best glow possible.

1楼2017-10-11 16:22回复