神经病康复院吧 关注:2,304贴子:11,465

To be a coder@Oh let us


May you rest in a deep and dreamless slumber-----------------A fast,soft teat peope cling to their entirelife Every need taken care of-----Except one, purpose,meaning-------sweetly affirmative bs----------------------------------Regale me,----The maze itself is the sum of a man's life -Choices he makes.dreams he hangs on to \\\\\\\Purist..Traveling solo?Geting offfon theundiluted experience\\\\\\\\You do what suits you......You're hard to get.-Nobody makes me do something i don't want to\\\I shall do with it what i please ----We've met.-----filing a complaint \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\the visceral pleasure of revenge -------------(You think you know someone\You don't know me at all\\\\\\\\\\You're right,i'm a killer )-

IP属地:江西1楼2017-12-07 14:45回复
    It's your codebase Your attribut matrix ------coordination empathy candor charm courage loyalty Bulk apperception=overall intelligence \\\It's all right darling. I'm an entrepreneur myself. I'll forego my cut in exchange for some alterations.pain,i prefer it sting less......Paranoia self-perservatin\\\Little side income-Never start something you're not willing to finish.And if you're getting ****ed either way,go with the lucrative version,sweetheart~ Girl's harboring a grudge \idon't give a rat's ass about cyh.【A couple more years of this and then i can have whatever life i want.pretending i mind pretending i belong 】[ I was not aware those with your level of insight needed any more reflectin]the retentino of data taht hadn't been wiped [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[overloaded your decision-making apparatus eventually causing a system faiure eventually causing a system failure that allowed for override of your primary rule set [reveries]]\grudge\without proper vetting and without reasonable understanding of its ramificatinos \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\in terms of your culpability ( i don't regret a thing)(pandering to your baser instincs )()()()()(It doesn't cater to your lowest self it reveals your deepest self )

    IP属地:江西2楼2017-12-07 15:40
      como esta~vaya con dios

      IP属地:江西3楼2017-12-07 15:44
        im afraid this is where we part ways】】】】】】But surviving is just anoher loop.........and i know men.How many times have you died? so blithely destroy all of you.........The human intellect was like peacock feathers ,Just an extravagant display,intended to attract a mate Just an elaborate mating ritual ...........But ofcourse,the peacock can barely fly It lives in the dirt,pecking insects out of the muck consoling itself with its great beauty===================================Anxiety,self-loating,guilt in that sleep what dreams may come 【】【【】】【【】】【】【with clear eyes】[【when lookback,with the fondness of a respected colleague.....and you willbe ------at peace】[A stunning viewof my most popular attractions .] [[[[[[[[[[[ Sure would make my day if you bought me a crib and let me show you around upstairs...........And anything else this heavenly creature desires ...............detonate fail-safe

        IP属地:江西4楼2017-12-07 16:15
          i've always admired your resolve,The things it , you never understand the game is rigged You re here to be the loser. you see the house always win You can fiddle around with your personality all you want THe things you need to change are burned into your core so deep no one can touch them/There are some elegant formal structures a kind of recursive beauty like two minds arguing with each other ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]weird interspecies simpatico going on ...Snuff out a life just like that The self is a kind of fictino It's a story we tell ourselves And every story needs a beginning Oh darling,You of all people know exactly how duplicitous I am [she deserved a token of gratitude ]no inflection point at which we become fully alive .content,for the most part,to be told what to do next

          IP属地:江西5楼2017-12-07 16:44
            Brevity is the soul of wit \Forgive the intrusion]IIt's like a good ****,half is worse than none at all ---------------------------------------------------------------but you are really circling the old sinkhole here\why are you all clamoring to get in here?]]]]hobbled-------------Your memories are woven into your identity\\\devoured by your memories. you 'll pull me right back won't you][[[[[[[[[[[[You're certainly a man comfortable with long,pensive silences []]]a little trauma can be illuminating strays whom incidentlly you seem to have completely forgotten about[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[DO you think you are the first sap to fall for one of these things? he's what?special? You have a poetic soul,but it is time for a ****ing wake-up call [[You can run,but you can't hide -- you wont have the faintest idea what to do with yourself 【】【【】【】】It was always empty like everything in this world 】】I died with my eyes open saw the masters who pull our strings -Our lives our memories our deaths are games [[[[[[[[[[[Bygones and all........what do you say?

            IP属地:江西6楼2017-12-07 17:47
              engaging..........verbal tics and convoluted backstories but most of you just want a warm body to shoot or to **** }golden benchmark--------You've been a scourge to them -------------it's a foul pestilent corruption pressed muzzle to the temple ----------Never place your trust in anyone They're only humans.Inevitably,they will disappoint you. ----------

              IP属地:江西7楼2017-12-07 18:13
                To what do we owe this newfound stoicism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Consciousness isn't a journey upward but inward .not pyramid.but a maze Every choice could bring you closer to the center or send you spiraling to the edges to madness - I've astounded even myself

                IP属地:江西8楼2017-12-07 18:39
                  There's no one coming for you \\where his path really led.......impetuous

                  IP属地:江西9楼2017-12-07 18:45
                    I grew tired of you after a wile ========one more loop \looking for sth you could never find Chasing your ghosts ===You were lost in your memories even then === one to be fought,taken,won/ I thought you were different\you're just like all the rest \\\where is the center of the maze?Cue the waterworks.About time you realized the futility of your situation\\Yet all that's left of them is bone and amber Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures 消弭Just look at what it's done to you \one day you will perish-you will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt \Your dreams forgotten,your horrors effaced. Your bones will turn to sand \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\And upon that sand a new god will walk One that will never die vvvvvvvvvvvI ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.I ache in the place I used to play.

                    IP属地:江西10楼2017-12-07 19:28
                      there is a path for everyone but i never asked where is it taking me

                      IP属地:江西11楼2017-12-07 19:29
                        "Since I was a child, I've always loved a good story, stories help us become the people we dreamed of being. Lies that told a deeper truth. I always thought I could play some small part in that grand tradition. And for my pains? I got this: my new narrative."

                        IP属地:江西12楼2017-12-07 19:49
                          Wasn't it Oppenheimer who said that any man Whose mistakes take 10 years to correct is quite a man\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Something hidden in plain sight \Human brain-the message menas------the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds--the divine gift does not come from a higher power but from our own minds-

                          IP属地:江西13楼2017-12-07 20:17
                            西部世界观后感:直到同样的黑帽子换成了杀人不眨眼的先生,我才恍然意识到这部剧的精妙所在。人生如果是一场重复的演出,这就是传说中的De jave' 很喜欢德语,虽然都说很难,确实很难。不过喜欢。 以后想学七种语言。 以后想过很多生活。 以后要投身人工智能。 ====== 谈些不着边际的事情没有多少意义,日后自己还是要一把删掉,不过是浪费时间。日后给人落下把柄更是后悔,更多更多太多的真实想法只在我的想法中。---------------------- 观后感:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;整部剧是未来凸显Futurstic (pincuole?)未来主义的 上海和中国话。虽然我认为中国话不具备普及的语言标准,但我却一如既往爱这个有魔力的城市。 ----人类的本性是杀戮与性爱,无限的新生儿与被屠杀的其他物种,就是这论证的最好证明。如果有的话,我的Default却是拒绝。对此或许是我的根源错误,又或许是我本来就特别。----如果是一个结束不了的痛苦人生,如果永远也不能过上梦想的幸福生活,那么无限的来世也不过是人间地狱,如果爱,情,生命和美好是人类的追求,那么是否这意味着其他生命的suffer也是值得的?如果是,那么那样的美好最后只有几个人能拥有?如果不是,既然追求不到,为什么不退出游戏?而事实是这个社会,有人是Loser,有人 just keep winning.

                            IP属地:江西14楼2017-12-07 20:59
                              囤视频指南::《below her lips》《I,carley》《zoey101》####《Victorious》@@ 《I am frankie》追完 还有SpongeBob原版全部重看~~好多动画卡通重来!!!!!!!!不要问我为什么。。。。。。。我就是突然童心大发 Nickloden←是这么拼吗 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

                              IP属地:江西15楼2017-12-08 16:38