包裹状态: 运输途中
目的国家: 中国
2017-12-14 15:30 新加坡处理中心, 已离开
2017-12-14 09:42 新加坡, 到达
2017-12-14 09:32 新加坡收寄中心, 已收寄
发件国家: 新加坡
2017-12-16 23:51 Handed over to Airline
2017-12-16 23:51 Handed over to Airline
2017-12-16 23:46 Handed over to Airline
2017-12-15 23:49 Handed over to Airline
2017-12-15 00:02 Handed over to Airline
2017-12-15 00:02 Received at Air Transit Centre
2017-12-14 15:30 Depart from Overseas Processing Facility
2017-12-14 09:42 Received at Processing Facility
2017-12-02 10:31 Notification of shipment confirmation
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