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尤其是1811年7月拉齐上任之后,先是重建塔拉戈纳和菲格拉斯战败后几乎损失殆尽的西军加泰军团,进行了大规模征兵:Made a public appeal for volunteers to join his forces; many rallied to the cause. His fame preceded him and he was easily able to both recruit new men and restore the confidence of the existing troops. He set up a field of recruitment and training on the plateau of the Busa Plain and rebuilt the army of Catalonia, to the astonishment of the country.
与此同时继续跟法军打游击,切断了巴塞罗那与莱里达之间的交通线:Sent reinforcements to the defence of Valencia. His tactics of war were to be to avoid frontal encounters, and to lash at the enemy with constant raids that cut supply and communications. His forces broke the line of communication established by the French between Barcelona and Lerida and kept the French invaders busy away from his Catalan province. This enabled him to concentrate on the training of his recruits.
然后8月份,大规模跨境袭击并劫掠法国本土Ariège省,又是放火焚烧村庄,又是向城镇征收赋税,震动欧洲:1811, August: Led his troops on a punitive expedition into France. He attacked Alta Cerdanya and Latour de Carol. He burned several villages in the French province of Ariège in retaliation for French incendiarism in Spain, and levied tribute from Acs and other towns. This brief ground campaign in France moralised his troops, demoralised the French, and had a great impact throughout Europe. The Spanish had become the aggressors, instead of the French.
9月份,与英国皇家海军合作,联手拔除了法军在Medes岛的据点:On 29 August 1811 General Joaquín Ibáñez Cuevas y de Valonga, Baron de Eroles, at the behest of Luis Roberto de Lacy and with the assistance of HMS Cambrian, a Colonel Green, and British troops, landed, captured, and destroyed the fort the French had built on Meda Gran. Green then ordered the fort abandoned. Several weeks later, on 11 September, de Lacy landed on the island. He rebuilt, garrisoned and fortified the fort, and symbolically renamed the islands the Isles of the Restoration.
10月份,加泰军团发起Cervera攻势,Igualada,Cervera,Bellpuig一带的法军驻军被歼灭,On 4 October 1811, Lacy's forces captured 200 Imperial troops at Igualada on the highway between Barcelona and Lleida. Continuing west, the Spanish column seized a French convoy near Cervera on the 7th. Lacy overwhelmed the garrison of Cervera on 11 October, bagging another 645 prisoners. Finally, on the 14th the Spaniards took 150 more captives at Bellpuig.在接连失利之后,法军被迫放弃了Montserrat:After these defeats, the French evacuated the monastery of Santa Maria de Montserrat on Montserrat Mountain.
然后麦当劳就下课了:MacDonald was recalled on 28 October and replaced by General of Division Charles Mathieu Isidore Decaen.
借用Gates在《The Spanish Ulcer: A History of the Peninsular War. 》的引言,麦克唐纳在加泰罗尼亚的失败是他军事生涯的重大污点:The marshal's reputation had been sullied by his disappointing performance in Spain.

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