Exception during UpdaterModule.Update
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib\update.pyo", line 116, in run
File "lib\update.pyo", line 380, in _Update
File "lib\update.pyo", line 266, in ApplyPatch
File "lib\steps\applyHttpPatch.pyo", line 43, in Run
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 708, in ApplyPatch
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 708, in ApplyPatch
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 661, in PatchFile
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 653, in PatchFile
File "zsync\fileSync.pyo", line 382, in GetBlock
KeyError: (-2013981285, '\t\x1b[\x8c\xad+>\xf8\xa8\xeeR z\x86d\x1e')
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyo at line 524:
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
Frame __bootstrap_inner in threading.pyo at line 551:
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
Frame run in lib\update.pyo at line 143:
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x0A77C450>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 5316
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdaterModuleThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87ED10>
self._Thread__stderr = <lib.log.StderrStream object at 0x055FE590>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = None
self.action = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.extraction_error = False
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.is_not_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EE10>
self.is_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EBB0>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings object at 0x04585BF0>
self.stop_pending = False
self.successful = False
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0xa8bb8f8> >
Frame _Update in lib\update.pyo at line 393:
create_patch = True
patch_file = u'D:\\EVE\\EVE_Online_1153707-1270111_win.patch'
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x0A77C450>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 5316
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdaterModuleThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87ED10>
self._Thread__stderr = <lib.log.StderrStream object at 0x055FE590>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = None
self.action = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.extraction_error = False
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.is_not_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EE10>
self.is_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EBB0>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings object at 0x04585BF0>
self.stop_pending = False
self.successful = False
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0xa8bb8f8> >
Frame ApplyPatch in lib\update.pyo at line 269:
patchFile = u'D:\\EVE\\EVE_Online_1153707-1270111_win.patch'
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x0A77C450>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 5316
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdaterModuleThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87ED10>
self._Thread__stderr = <lib.log.StderrStream object at 0x055FE590>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = None
self.action = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.extraction_error = False
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.is_not_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EE10>
self.is_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EBB0>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings object at 0x04585BF0>
self.stop_pending = False
self.successful = False
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0xa8bb8f8> >
Frame Run in lib\steps\applyHttpPatch.pyo at line 43:
self = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.patch_file = u'D:\\EVE\\EVE_Online_1153707-1270111_win.patch'
self.progress = <lib.steps.base.SimpleProgressObject object at 0x0AB2BA10>
self.z = <zsync.zsync.ApplyPatch object at 0x0AB2B830>
Frame ApplyPatch in zsync\zsync.pyo at line 708:
fileRel = 'code.ccp'
folder = u'D:\\EVE'
patchDataPool = <zsync.fileSync.DataPool instance at 0x0AADBF58>
progress = <lib.updaterProgress.UpdaterProgress object at 0x0AB2B630>
self = <zsync.zsync.ApplyPatch object at 0x0AB2B830>
self.datapool = <zsync.fileSync.DataPool instance at 0x0AADBF58>
self.do_deletes = True
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib\update.pyo", line 116, in run
File "lib\update.pyo", line 380, in _Update
File "lib\update.pyo", line 266, in ApplyPatch
File "lib\steps\applyHttpPatch.pyo", line 43, in Run
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 708, in ApplyPatch
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 708, in ApplyPatch
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 661, in PatchFile
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 653, in PatchFile
File "zsync\fileSync.pyo", line 382, in GetBlock
KeyError: (-2013981285, '\t\x1b[\x8c\xad+>\xf8\xa8\xeeR z\x86d\x1e')
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyo at line 524:
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
Frame __bootstrap_inner in threading.pyo at line 551:
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
Frame run in lib\update.pyo at line 143:
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x0A77C450>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 5316
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdaterModuleThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87ED10>
self._Thread__stderr = <lib.log.StderrStream object at 0x055FE590>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = None
self.action = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.extraction_error = False
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.is_not_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EE10>
self.is_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EBB0>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings object at 0x04585BF0>
self.stop_pending = False
self.successful = False
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0xa8bb8f8> >
Frame _Update in lib\update.pyo at line 393:
create_patch = True
patch_file = u'D:\\EVE\\EVE_Online_1153707-1270111_win.patch'
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x0A77C450>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 5316
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdaterModuleThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87ED10>
self._Thread__stderr = <lib.log.StderrStream object at 0x055FE590>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = None
self.action = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.extraction_error = False
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.is_not_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EE10>
self.is_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EBB0>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings object at 0x04585BF0>
self.stop_pending = False
self.successful = False
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0xa8bb8f8> >
Frame ApplyPatch in lib\update.pyo at line 269:
patchFile = u'D:\\EVE\\EVE_Online_1153707-1270111_win.patch'
self = <UpdaterModule(UpdaterModuleThread, started 5316)>
self._Thread__args = ()
self._Thread__block = <Condition(<thread.lock object at 0x0A77C450>, 0)>
self._Thread__daemonic = False
self._Thread__ident = 5316
self._Thread__initialized = True
self._Thread__kwargs = {}
self._Thread__name = 'UpdaterModuleThread'
self._Thread__started = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87ED10>
self._Thread__stderr = <lib.log.StderrStream object at 0x055FE590>
self._Thread__stopped = False
self._Thread__target = None
self.action = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.extraction_error = False
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.is_not_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EE10>
self.is_running = <threading._Event object at 0x0A87EBB0>
self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings object at 0x04585BF0>
self.stop_pending = False
self.successful = False
self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0xa8bb8f8> >
Frame Run in lib\steps\applyHttpPatch.pyo at line 43:
self = <lib.steps.applyHttpPatch.ApplyHttpPatch object at 0x0AB2BE90>
self.cache = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
self.info = <function wrapper at 0x0A88C2B0>
self.patch_file = u'D:\\EVE\\EVE_Online_1153707-1270111_win.patch'
self.progress = <lib.steps.base.SimpleProgressObject object at 0x0AB2BA10>
self.z = <zsync.zsync.ApplyPatch object at 0x0AB2B830>
Frame ApplyPatch in zsync\zsync.pyo at line 708:
fileRel = 'code.ccp'
folder = u'D:\\EVE'
patchDataPool = <zsync.fileSync.DataPool instance at 0x0AADBF58>
progress = <lib.updaterProgress.UpdaterProgress object at 0x0AB2B630>
self = <zsync.zsync.ApplyPatch object at 0x0AB2B830>
self.datapool = <zsync.fileSync.DataPool instance at 0x0AADBF58>
self.do_deletes = True
self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
self.hash_database = <ChecksumDB at 'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>