Following season five’s jaw-dropping finale, season six resumes with almost all of Wentworth’s inmates and officers stunned by the apparent joint escape of Franky Doyle (Nicole da Silva) and Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe). 随着第五季在触目惊心的场景中落幕,Franky和Ferguson表面上的联合越狱令Wentworth几乎所有的囚犯与官员为之愕然,第六季由此拉开帷幕。 As Sonia Steven’s (Sigrid Thornton) life and Vera Bennett’s (Kate Atkinson) career hang in the balance, Kaz Proctor (Tammy MacIntosh) steels herself for Top Dog duties again and the truth surrounding the Freak’s demise weighs heavily on Will Jackson (Robbie Magasiva) and Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry). Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) pieces together the events of Sonia’s now apparent poisoning and Liz (Celia Ireland) is targeted, while Allie (Kate Jenkinson) finds solice for a short moment in avenging Bea’s death – however, peace is only fleeting behind the walls of Wentworth. 由于Sonia的生命和监狱长Bennett的职业生涯均岌岌可危,Kaz不得不再次担当起监狱老大的责任,而围绕着疯子Ferguson死亡的真相会对Jackson和Stewart二人产生极大的影响。随着Boomer渐渐弄清了Sonia明显的中毒迹象,Liz成了被怀疑的目标。虽然Allie通过为Bea报仇雪恨而得到了暂时的慰藉,和平在Wentworth的高墙下只会转瞬即逝。