《福禄寿十周年演唱会》将于3月19日开始在 网上发售,门票票价定为530, 430, 280及180令吉(未含5令吉手续费以及6% GST)。他们三位如何把最佳的搞笑元素带来马来西亚?大家一定要买票进场一看究竟,保证不会让你失望!
更多相关演唱会详情,请留守Jazzy Group的官方社交媒体或联系03-5622 1600 和电邮至[email protected]留守友声有色的988,以获更多资讯。

Ready to laugh your socks off? Louis Yuen, Wong Cho Lam, and Johnson Lee will be making a pitstop in Malaysia to bring some laughter to our local audiences.

Dubbed as the “Fuk Luk Sau” (福祿壽), this Hong Kong legendary comedic trio will be bringing their “Fuk Luk Sau 10th Anniversary Concert” to Axiata Arena in less than 3 months time. Mark your calendars peeps, the date is 2nd June 2018.

Source: Google Images
Ever since Louis Yuen, Wong Cho Lam, and Johnson Lee made their debut in the Hong Kong variety show, “Liza and the Three Gods”, with long time veteran Liza Wang as the host, their careers have taken off. Many fans enjoy being entertained by their silly yet funny antics when they’re in front of an audience.
You may also remember these well-known stars from the 2011 comedy film, “The Fortune Buddies (劲抽福禄寿)”, “Fun with Liza and Gods”, “Liza and Gods Anniversary Charade” as well as “Acts of God”. Expect a lot of comedic performances such as imitation of renowned artists, parody song performances and comedy gags through out their upcoming show.
Brought to you by Jazzy Group, the details to the “Fuk Luk Sau 10th Anniversary Concert” Live in Malaysia are as follows:
Date: 2nd June 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 8pm
Venue: Axiata Arena
Ticketing: RM 530, RM 430, RM280, RM180
You may refer to the seating plan below:

For more information, dial up 03-56221600 or visit Jazzy Group’s website.
Source: The Hive.