Modifications (会员协会)自定义部分
There is no limit on the number of substitutes that can be used in youth football
Permission is needed from The IFAB for any modifications not already permitted
其他未经 IFAB 审定的自定义条款需经报备审核通过方可执行
Temporary dismissals – System B: a player who receives two temporary dismissals and a non-temporary dismissal caution (YC) may not be substituted/replaced
短时离场——采用 B 方案:受到两次短时离场判罚和一次非短时离场的黄牌警告的队员不得被替换。
Law 1 第一章
Clarification of measurements on the field of play
Reference to substituted players being permitted to be in the technical area
Commercial advertising is not permitted on the ground in the Referee Review Area (RRA)
Reference to the Video Operation Room (VOR) and Referee Review Area (RRA)
Law 2第二章
Reference to previous ballquality marks:Ballscarryingpreviousquality markssuchas “ FIFA Approved”, “FIFA Inspected” or “International Match ballStandard” may beused in aforementioned competitions until 31 July 2017.
国际比赛用球的旧标准有效期为 2017 年 7 月 31 日,此标准到期后,相关描述从规则正文中删除。
Law 3 第三章
Competition rules may permit the use of an additional substitute in extra time (even if not all permitted substitutes have been used)
A maximum of 12 substitutes can be named for international ‘A’ friendly matches
国际 A 级友谊赛的提名替补队员上限增至 12 人(之前为 6 人)
Law 4 第四章
• Small, hand-held electronic or communication devices are permitted in the technical area if used for coaching/ tactics or player welfare
• 作为教练布置战术需要或者队员福利,微小的便携式电子或通讯设备(如耳麦、智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑等)允许在技术区域使用。
• Introduction of a FIFA quality mark for EPTS, and data from EPTS may be received in the technical area during the match
修订关于 EPTS(电子表现跟踪系统)的介绍,明确该系统的数据必须在比赛期间于技术区域接收。
• Detailed guidelines for what can and cannot appear on players’ equipment
• 细化规定队员的允许与禁止穿戴的装备以及装备上的标识。
• Player who has left the field because of an equipment issue and returns without permission and interferes is penalised with a direct free kick (or penalty kick)
• 队员离场整理装备,未经裁判员允许回场并干扰比赛,将被判罚直接任意球(或球点球)。
Law 5 第五章
• Reference to video assistant referees (VARs) and assistant VARs (AVARs) and the ability of a referee to use video replays for decision making as part of VAR system
• 增加视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的相关描述,裁判员可以通过视频回放来做出决定。
• Some sending-off offences can be reviewed even if play has restarted
• 一些可被罚令出场的犯规可以通过视频回放判罚,即使比赛已经重新开始。
• Match officials are not permitted to wear cameras
• Inclusion of the referee ‘check’ and ‘review’ signals used in the VAR process
• 明确通过视频回放协助判罚程序中的相关手势。
Law 6 第六章
• Duties of the video assistant referee (VAR) and assistant VAR (AVAR)
• 明确视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的职责。
• Distinction between ‘on-field’ match officials and ‘video’ match officials
• Reference to video assistant referees (VARs) and assistant VARs (AVARs) and the ability of a referee to use video replays for decision making as part of VAR system
• 增加视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的相关描述,裁判员可以通过视频回放来做出决定。
• Some sending-off offences can be reviewed even if play has restarted
• 一些可被罚令出场的犯规可以通过视频回放判罚,即使比赛已经重新开始。
• Match officials are not permitted to wear cameras
• Inclusion of the referee ‘check’ and ‘review’ signals used in the VAR process
• 明确通过视频回放协助判罚程序中的相关手势。
• Duties of the video assistant referee (VAR) and assistant VAR (AVAR)
• 明确视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的职责。
• Distinction between ‘on-field’ match officials and ‘video’ match officials
• Drinks breaks should not exceed one minute
• 补水暂停不得超过一分钟。
• Allowance must be made for time ‘lost’ for drinks breaks and VAR checks/ reviews
• 补水暂停和由于视频助理裁判介入导致的延误纳入补时范畴。
• Kicks from the penalty mark – a replacement for a goalkeeper cannot take a kick in that ‘round’ if the goalkeeper has already taken a kick
• The first point of contact when the ball is played/touched is the moment when offside position is judged
判断越位位置的时刻为队友传球/触球的过程中的首次触球时刻。(例:队友触球的过程可能为 0.2 秒,而在这 0.2 秒内队员已经移动了一段距离,判断越位位置要从队友接触球的开始时刻算起)
• Biting is included as a direct free kick and sending-off offence
• 咬人须判罚直接任意球和罚令出场。(译者注:苏亚雷斯条款)
• Throwing an object at the ball or hitting the ball with a held object are separate direct free kick offences (not a form of handball)
• 把物品向足球投掷或者用手中的物品击球须判罚直接任意球(从故意手球条款中划出)
• If the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper this does not prevent the goalkeeper handling the ball a second time even if the first attempt to catch/holds the ball was deliberate
• “除非球从守门员身上意外反弹”,删除“意外”两字,对守门员控制球要求趋于严格。
• If the referee plays advantage for a DOGSO the offender is cautioned (YC) whether or not a goal is scored
• 发生阻止明显进球得分机会的犯规时,若裁判掌握有利,则无论球进与否,犯规队员处以黄牌警告。
• Entering the RRA or excessively showing the TV signal are cautions (YCs)
• 队员进入裁判回放区域(RRA)或者过分的展示回放信号,将被处以黄牌警告。
• Where 2 separate cautionable (YC) offences are committed in close proximity, both cautions (YCs) must be issued; same principle if one is a sending off offence
• 当两个独立的可被警告的犯规行为发生时,须分别处罚(及时在时空距离上间隔很近),同样原则适用于罚令出场的判罚中
(例:球员未经裁判员允许回场并鲁莽的犯规,须执行 1+1 罚令出场)
• Entering the VOR is a sending-off (RC) offence
• 队员进入视频操作室(VOR),将被罚令出场。
• If a player commits an offence outside the field of play (ball in play) against someone from their own team (including a team official) it is an indirect free kick on the boundary line
• 比赛进行中,队员在场外对己方球队人员(含球队官员)犯规,将被判罚间接任意球,地点在距离犯规处最近的边界线上。
• Clarification that free kicks can also be awarded for offences by a substitute, substituted or sent off player, or a team official
Law 15
• A player must stand to take a throw-in (kneeling, sitting etc. not permitted)
There is no limit on the number of substitutes that can be used in youth football
Permission is needed from The IFAB for any modifications not already permitted
其他未经 IFAB 审定的自定义条款需经报备审核通过方可执行
Temporary dismissals – System B: a player who receives two temporary dismissals and a non-temporary dismissal caution (YC) may not be substituted/replaced
短时离场——采用 B 方案:受到两次短时离场判罚和一次非短时离场的黄牌警告的队员不得被替换。
Law 1 第一章
Clarification of measurements on the field of play
Reference to substituted players being permitted to be in the technical area
Commercial advertising is not permitted on the ground in the Referee Review Area (RRA)
Reference to the Video Operation Room (VOR) and Referee Review Area (RRA)
Law 2第二章
Reference to previous ballquality marks:Ballscarryingpreviousquality markssuchas “ FIFA Approved”, “FIFA Inspected” or “International Match ballStandard” may beused in aforementioned competitions until 31 July 2017.
国际比赛用球的旧标准有效期为 2017 年 7 月 31 日,此标准到期后,相关描述从规则正文中删除。
Law 3 第三章
Competition rules may permit the use of an additional substitute in extra time (even if not all permitted substitutes have been used)
A maximum of 12 substitutes can be named for international ‘A’ friendly matches
国际 A 级友谊赛的提名替补队员上限增至 12 人(之前为 6 人)
Law 4 第四章
• Small, hand-held electronic or communication devices are permitted in the technical area if used for coaching/ tactics or player welfare
• 作为教练布置战术需要或者队员福利,微小的便携式电子或通讯设备(如耳麦、智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑等)允许在技术区域使用。
• Introduction of a FIFA quality mark for EPTS, and data from EPTS may be received in the technical area during the match
修订关于 EPTS(电子表现跟踪系统)的介绍,明确该系统的数据必须在比赛期间于技术区域接收。
• Detailed guidelines for what can and cannot appear on players’ equipment
• 细化规定队员的允许与禁止穿戴的装备以及装备上的标识。
• Player who has left the field because of an equipment issue and returns without permission and interferes is penalised with a direct free kick (or penalty kick)
• 队员离场整理装备,未经裁判员允许回场并干扰比赛,将被判罚直接任意球(或球点球)。
Law 5 第五章
• Reference to video assistant referees (VARs) and assistant VARs (AVARs) and the ability of a referee to use video replays for decision making as part of VAR system
• 增加视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的相关描述,裁判员可以通过视频回放来做出决定。
• Some sending-off offences can be reviewed even if play has restarted
• 一些可被罚令出场的犯规可以通过视频回放判罚,即使比赛已经重新开始。
• Match officials are not permitted to wear cameras
• Inclusion of the referee ‘check’ and ‘review’ signals used in the VAR process
• 明确通过视频回放协助判罚程序中的相关手势。
Law 6 第六章
• Duties of the video assistant referee (VAR) and assistant VAR (AVAR)
• 明确视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的职责。
• Distinction between ‘on-field’ match officials and ‘video’ match officials
• Reference to video assistant referees (VARs) and assistant VARs (AVARs) and the ability of a referee to use video replays for decision making as part of VAR system
• 增加视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的相关描述,裁判员可以通过视频回放来做出决定。
• Some sending-off offences can be reviewed even if play has restarted
• 一些可被罚令出场的犯规可以通过视频回放判罚,即使比赛已经重新开始。
• Match officials are not permitted to wear cameras
• Inclusion of the referee ‘check’ and ‘review’ signals used in the VAR process
• 明确通过视频回放协助判罚程序中的相关手势。
• Duties of the video assistant referee (VAR) and assistant VAR (AVAR)
• 明确视频助理裁判(VARs)和辅助视频助理裁判(AVARs)的职责。
• Distinction between ‘on-field’ match officials and ‘video’ match officials
• Drinks breaks should not exceed one minute
• 补水暂停不得超过一分钟。
• Allowance must be made for time ‘lost’ for drinks breaks and VAR checks/ reviews
• 补水暂停和由于视频助理裁判介入导致的延误纳入补时范畴。
• Kicks from the penalty mark – a replacement for a goalkeeper cannot take a kick in that ‘round’ if the goalkeeper has already taken a kick
• The first point of contact when the ball is played/touched is the moment when offside position is judged
判断越位位置的时刻为队友传球/触球的过程中的首次触球时刻。(例:队友触球的过程可能为 0.2 秒,而在这 0.2 秒内队员已经移动了一段距离,判断越位位置要从队友接触球的开始时刻算起)
• Biting is included as a direct free kick and sending-off offence
• 咬人须判罚直接任意球和罚令出场。(译者注:苏亚雷斯条款)
• Throwing an object at the ball or hitting the ball with a held object are separate direct free kick offences (not a form of handball)
• 把物品向足球投掷或者用手中的物品击球须判罚直接任意球(从故意手球条款中划出)
• If the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper this does not prevent the goalkeeper handling the ball a second time even if the first attempt to catch/holds the ball was deliberate
• “除非球从守门员身上意外反弹”,删除“意外”两字,对守门员控制球要求趋于严格。
• If the referee plays advantage for a DOGSO the offender is cautioned (YC) whether or not a goal is scored
• 发生阻止明显进球得分机会的犯规时,若裁判掌握有利,则无论球进与否,犯规队员处以黄牌警告。
• Entering the RRA or excessively showing the TV signal are cautions (YCs)
• 队员进入裁判回放区域(RRA)或者过分的展示回放信号,将被处以黄牌警告。
• Where 2 separate cautionable (YC) offences are committed in close proximity, both cautions (YCs) must be issued; same principle if one is a sending off offence
• 当两个独立的可被警告的犯规行为发生时,须分别处罚(及时在时空距离上间隔很近),同样原则适用于罚令出场的判罚中
(例:球员未经裁判员允许回场并鲁莽的犯规,须执行 1+1 罚令出场)
• Entering the VOR is a sending-off (RC) offence
• 队员进入视频操作室(VOR),将被罚令出场。
• If a player commits an offence outside the field of play (ball in play) against someone from their own team (including a team official) it is an indirect free kick on the boundary line
• 比赛进行中,队员在场外对己方球队人员(含球队官员)犯规,将被判罚间接任意球,地点在距离犯规处最近的边界线上。
• Clarification that free kicks can also be awarded for offences by a substitute, substituted or sent off player, or a team official
Law 15
• A player must stand to take a throw-in (kneeling, sitting etc. not permitted)