李绳武吧 关注:74贴子:12,036




1楼2018-07-16 15:06回复
    LOL this guy is good. I like him. Whatever he posted, it is posted up on his fb privately in the US not in Singapore since he is working in the states. Therefore, in states, it is freedom of speech. Neither AGC or LHL are eligible to hold him up to court also.
    (第4条)Just something from atop a fence - even if its 'politically motivated', is it against the law. Within a framework of abidations there are many tributaries.只是一个篱笆上的东西——即使它有“政治动机”,也是违法的。在停泊的框架内,有许多支流。
    (第5条) You can money of course can go other country lor, normal people just have to suck thumb
    (第6条)He who calls for the piper pays for the tune呼唤笛子手为笛子的曲调付出代价。

    8楼2018-07-16 16:57
      Hello, on one hand say family cannot sue, on the other hand family sue. Then on one hand, TCH was called a liar by LHY and based on LHL said of all Ministers must sue yet TCH did not sue and yet LHY is not family. I am confused.
      So sue or not sue? family got consideration or not?
      Hello, can stop practicing double standards or not. Don't you know, as government, you must be consistent。
      您好,一方面说家庭不能起.诉(指李显龙说不告弟妹),另一方面家庭起.诉(指告侄子李绳武)。一方面,故TCH被李显扬称为骗子,根据李显龙的说法,所有部长都必须起.诉,但TCH没有起诉,李显扬不是家人。我很困惑。 起.诉还是不起-诉?家人有没有考虑过?
      They're distant cousins他们是远方表亲。
      Family no sue. AG not his brother. Bo bian ......
      You very very very the kong kum one !!!!!!!
      家人没有被起-诉。他(指李绳武)不是他(指李显龙)的兄弟。波卞, 你非常非常孔雀!!!! 嘻嘻嘻呵呵。
      Cannot sue brother and sister. LHL is afraid It will open up a can of worms.不能起-诉弟妹。李显龙很怕会打开一罐虫子。
      TCH must listen to big brother. Bo bian .....Heeheehehhehehe ..... LO.
      brother against brother cannot sue , against others yes , he not my brother .... sue la ... sue until pants drop哥哥对弟弟不能起.诉,对他人可以,他不是我的弟弟....起诉他(李绳武)直到裤子落下。
      Basically, they look very stupid to the other countries. Fortunately, the other countries have the grace and sense to NOT hold this as a reflection of Singapore or its people.
      Haha, family "cannot" sue, must act act to the public to show value family ties but if "independent" bodies go after family then "not his fault" loh
      Then please make sure LHY is sued. Can see the contradiction? Are you now as confused as I am? How about TCH? Why he can don't sue?

      来自Android客户端12楼2018-07-16 22:32
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        来自Android客户端13楼2018-07-16 23:08
          Majority of Singaporeans having 吃喝玩乐 life style, not interested in basic justice, freedom and democracy of citizens. Relying on foreign talents to save Government and Singapore in case of crisis? Wait and see
          下面2跟帖: Exactly. Many even trade them for gst voucher lol没错。许多人甚至用它们来换取商品服务税凭证,大笑
          Enjoy yourself. No worry. Be a talent can leow. Have talent will travel.Heeheehe..... LOL. 尽情享受吧。不用担心。做个能人就可以了。有才华的人会旅行.哈哈。

          17楼2018-07-17 11:36
            Hey since Singapore has a extradition treaty with the US, let's see if our Law Minister and the AG has the balls to do that! All bark and no bite I bet you! 嘿,新加坡和美国订有引渡条约,看看我们的法律部长和总检.查.署有没有胆量这么做!我敢打赌,你只会吠叫,不会咬人!
            3,回复2楼:美国不好?至少他们不会抢夺你在这里的生意…棺材也卖,收高额的工厂租金,收高额的商场租金,收高额的小贩中心租金,Si-Meh Bu-Cho…时期。
            8, 回复6楼:作为参考,引渡条约是双向的——谢谢你这么无知!
            12, 我敢打赌,如果总检.查.署要求引.渡,美国会告诉总检.查.署去放风筝。他们完全了解新加坡政腹 /司发系.统使用诉讼/威胁来应对任何纷争.
            13,回复8和10楼: 如果你不想别人叫你无知,那就不要再叫别人了。谢谢你。
            16, 不行.只有在美国也认为引.渡是犯.罪的情况下,引.渡才会起作用。如果在美国管.辖范围内不是犯.罪,那么他们不会引.渡。也许我在V部分的智商太高了?
            18, 回复16楼:你为什么同意它不起作用?因为你知道而且已经知道,尽管你一直否认你的主人李显龙和他在总检.查.署的亲信是小丑!恭喜你被曝光了!

            18楼2018-07-17 14:05
              (第11条)Li Sheng Wu don't join politics, his uncle will pass order don't sue. Li SW join politics which not on his PM uncle side, LHL definitely will sue cos LSW is a strong opponent for pap.
              李绳武不加入政治,他的叔叔会通过命令不起.诉他。 李绳武若从政而不在他叔叔一边,李显龙肯定会起.诉他,因为李绳武是人.民行.动.党的强有力对手。
              (第12条)LHL, can't you see that the Lee Family dynasty is going down the drain? Pl step down and let family feuds be family feuds and not of a National scale. The whole world is laughing at the Lee Family problems being escalated into a National problem, with abuse of powers when necessary.李显龙,你难道看不出李家王朝正在没落吗?总.理.下-台,让家庭不和成为家庭不和,而不是全国性的。全世界都在嘲笑李家问题升级为全国性问题,必要时滥用权力。
              Hi Miss LWL and Mr LXL,Use your nuke if you still have it! Or else all the properties in Singapore will be seized and your nephew/son will always be a fugitive!嗨,李玮玲小姐和李显龙先生,如果你还有核武器,就用它!否则新加坡的所有财产都将被没收,你的侄子/儿子将永远在逃!

              19楼2018-07-17 14:18
                How can a private post lead to public prosecution? It's ridiculous. Go catch the Coffeeshop gossips too. No freedom of speech and expression. The people is neither blind, deaf nor mute 私人贴文如何导致公.诉?这太荒谬了。去抓咖啡厅的闲话吧。没有言.论和言.论自由。人民不盲.不聋.也不哑 .
                Of course its politically motivated. Lee hsien yang did not take part in politics even when his father coaxed him. Li Shengwu has the possibility of entering into politics and probably he knows alot of misdeeds done by LHL, better to strike early. 当然,这是出于政治动机。甚至在父亲哄他时李显扬也不从事政.治.活动。李绳武有可能进入.政.界,也许他知道李显龙做了很多坏事,最好早点出击。
                3,哈哈哈,你得同意.....既然你提到“李绳武有从政的可能”.... 你对政.治.动.机的看法有两种方式对吗???

                23楼2018-07-17 15:03
                  If AGC wants to play this game , i would highly suggest sue them at the highest courts available for publishing the stuff without your permission . The LHL gov DO NOT , i repeat , DO NOT , have any powers to dig into your private posts without your permission .All you need to do is to prove that the posts were of private nature and that no permission were sought from you . Then it is done , collect your millions in defamation your integrity . Im sure the integrity of the grandson of the late LKY would be worth quite a lot.
                  Li Shengwu is the man they fear most. This is the golden opportunity to bar him from returning to Singapore. Well done doggies. 李绳武是他们最害怕的人。这是阻止他返回新加坡的绝好机会。干得好狗狗们。

                  24楼2018-07-17 15:14
                    LSW, you hv fallen into LHL's family traps.
                    As usual, he uses the court to bar those who are of threat to him to enter SG.
                    Any entry, will allow him to use State Machine to arrest u.
                    LSW, stay wise and stay in Harvard. Uses your students to broadcast this EVIL empire under LHL who destroy SG single-handedly 李绳武,你掉进了李显龙一家的陷阱。 像往常一样,他利用法.庭来禁止那些对他有威胁的人进入政扶。 任何条目,都允许他使用国家.机.器来逮.捕你。 请保持明智,留在哈佛。利用你的学生来广播这个邪恶的国家,在李显龙的领导下他一手摧毁了新加坡政扶.
                    AGC is acting on LHL's orders. Few months ago your father (Yang) had already said that he expects actions from our government agencies against him and family. Hence he had to plan to leave Singapore for a
                    while and believe that he's in HK currently.Now the actions against Yang's family has just started now. Hope he can find safety somewhere
                    and I think he has made arrangements for living in exile for some time.
                    Here we see how dirty and dangerous are politics even siblings are not
                    excluded. Power and wealth rule the world !! Being ordinary people like
                    us where do we stand?
                    在这里,我们看到政.治是多么肮.脏和危.险,甚至连兄弟姐妹也排除在外。权..力和财富统.治.世界!!普通人就像 我们又站在哪?

                    26楼2018-07-17 15:40
                      only 'brother'. -- even nephew is not spared. -- what about you ordinary people ?? especially part of the 70% whom think they can leeck & suckle 'professionally'.
                      -------1跟帖-----大多数70%的选民都选择了LHL N团队作为政府。有什么反对意见吗?
                      Would ACG dare to sue LSW in the U.S? Probably not, because the case will be thrown into the garbage bin.
                      (第30条) Hi,A groundless accusation (莫须有的罪名)!
                      1, 谁???我希望你看对了
                      3, 嗨,私人Facebook上的个人观点不是犯罪!连我都看不到,别人呢?他们瞎了吗?

                      29楼2018-07-17 16:37
                        Good luck people. just look, the dishonorable son that YOU voted. Now an uncle eating his own nephew. what do you think he can do to YOU ?? YES, YOU ordinary people ??
                        (第32条) This Lee family dispute started by the highest-paid PM,(including President) in the world has evolved into a vendettta against any member of siblings,who dares to criticise him.
                        This is like going back to the days,when anyone could be castrated without any legal representation and locked up in a facility for life for going against the government.
                        This must be the worst National Day ever to have such actions taken by AG,as ordered.

                        30楼2018-07-17 16:50
                          (第33条)A young man with convictions and guts. Hope you dont end up like some before you whose lives were destroyed一个有信念和勇气的年轻人。希望你不会像以前那些人一样,在生命结束前提前被摧毁。
                          (第34条)The wrath of the Lees - among themselves after unleashing it on even perceived slight done by others..李家的愤怒-他们在自己释放它之后,甚至被别人认为是轻微的。
                          (第35条)AGC is such a laughable state organ.. pliant in nature by the influence of LHL and his cronies

                          来自Android客户端31楼2018-07-17 17:20
                            (第36条)it all boils down to the control of the HUGE MULTI HUNDEREDS OF BILLIONSSS$$ of GIC & TH cookies jars by the dishonorable son, his chingy & the inner circle of the secret Illuminati members. -- tua phi & jiak liao bee are 2 of the bigger beneficiaries.这一切都归结为无不光彩的儿子和他的秘密光明会成员的核心集团控制了数百万亿美元的GIC & TH饼干罐。- tua phi & jiaK是两个较大的受益者。
                            (第37条)Hi! There goes the old chinese saying : Power & Wealth will never survive through the 3rd generation.!嗨。中国有一句名言:权力和财富传不过三代!
                            (第38条)Hi ! Why is Singapore so happy ? Because no ordinary folks can fight with the " Mighty PAP machinery....."...Here we see the grandson of LKY fighting against the establishment which will be a memory for years to come嗨!新加坡为什么这么高兴?因为没有一个普通人能与“强大的党.机.器”作战....."...在这里,我们看到了李光耀的孙子与当权者的斗争,这将是未来几年的记忆。
                            (第39条)iT IS VERY DIFFICULT T GET THE CURRENT pap GARMEN TO ADMIN ITS SHORT-COMING AS pap IS BLINDED BY ITS OWN POLICY "OWNSELF CHECK OWNSELF" WORST, "OWNSELF GIVE JUDGEMENT TO OWNSELF" SIGH.. TOO MANY OWNSELF POLICIES... pap, YOU KNOW WHAT IS MY FEEL NOW FOR pap? WILL KNOW IN NEXT GE...当人民.行-动档被自己的政策“自我检查自己”所蒙蔽,最糟糕的是“自己对自己的自我判断”叹息时,短板很难得到当前政档的管理。太多的自我政策…爸爸,你知道我现在对帕帕有什么感觉吗?将在下一个选.举知道…

                            来自Android客户端33楼2018-07-17 17:41
                              When LHL privately told Teo CH (this private conversation was later spread to public knowledge) that he does not recognize the VALIDITY of the LKY's Will, which has been granted probate by the Courts. LHL did not challenge the Court's ruling during the 6-months window period for him to do so LEGALLY, but he continued to whisper DOUBTS about the legal validity that Will secretly and privately behind the backs of the Courts and the legal Executors of the Will (LHY/LWL). So is LHL's actions not deemed as committing the "Contempt of Court" offence too????
                              If indeed so, can the AGC please serve a legal notification to LHL to demand his withdrawal of his statements of doubt, and issue a PUBLIC APOLOGY to the Judiciary?
                              NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, including the PM!
                              当李显龙私下告诉Teo CH (这一私下谈话后来被传播到公众面前)他不承认李光耀的遗嘱是有效的,这份遗嘱已经被法庭授予了遗嘱认证。在六个月的时间里,李显龙没有对法庭的裁决提出质疑,但他继续在法庭和遗嘱执行人背后私下对法律效力表示怀疑( 李显扬 / 李玮玲 )。那么,李显龙的行为是否也被视为犯有“藐.视.法停”罪????
                              1, ?李显龙说,他回避了有关欧斯礼路故居的任何讨论或决定,但他告诉委员会,他对李光耀的遗嘱的有效性有疑问。这不是就对委员会“投入”、“影响”、“指明方向”等等吗???
                              2, 以下是2017年6月16日ST报告的摘录:
                              ========= 事实是:
                              而李显龙现在公开表达的所谓“怀疑”,是在他2015月10日在法庭上获得遗嘱的时候,和在法绿挑战的窗口期届满之前(由APR 2016)所知道的。这已经众所周知。 而在2017年6月,李显龙继续诋毁这一具有法绿约束力的遗嘱的法绿效力。他甚至成立(或指示其内阁下属成立)秘密“部长级委员会”,恶意破坏这一具有法绿约束力的意愿的内容。

                              36楼2018-07-18 11:53