Bobby is someone who is loving and caring after he gets to know you. At first he is not very open, but will be kind. It takes him a while to open up fully, and be his true self. He will be kind but you can feel the awkwardness lingering in the air. Since Bobby is someone with a small group of close friends, he is someone that is difficult to be close to. Since he has not opened up to numerous people, he continues to live like that; Bobby will unconsciously keeps his circle of people pretty small. When (or if) he finally opens up, and become closer, he is the happy-go-lucky friend who likes to do things spontaneously. He does things to have fun, and every one of those activities lacks a purpose. But when he is serious about something, you will be able to see it in his face. As you get closer, one of his most charming points is his ability to comfort and be there. Though he is busy, he will find time to visit or talk and help you during difficult times. When he is really open to you, he will care very much about you. He would most likely do anything to make you feel better or happy.