1《The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions outside Egypt》埃及以外托勒密属地的管理,
2《Rome and the Ptolemies of Egypt: The Development of Their Political Relations 273-80 B.C.》罗马和托勒密埃及:公元前273至公元前80年政治关系的发展,
3《Papyrology and Ptolemaic History: 1956-1980》纸莎草纸学与托勒密王朝史1956-1980
4《Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: A Study in Greek Epigraphy》希腊时期的皇室通信:希腊碑铭研究,
5《Rome and Egypt in the 60s BC StAeg 3》公元前60年代的罗马与埃及
6《Prosopography of Ptolemaic Cyprus》托勒密王朝的塞浦路斯的人物传记,
7《The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt》希腊化和罗马埃及的犹太人,
8《Ptolemaic Alexandria》Volume 1, Text; volume 2, Notes; volume 3, Indexes,托勒密王朝的亚历山大里亚
9《Government, management, literacy. Aspects of Ptolemaic administration in the early Hellenistic period》政府、管理、识字——希腊化时代早期托勒密行政管理的几个方面
10《Egypt and the Hellenistic world. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Leuven 24–26 May 1982》埃及和希腊世界,1982年5月24日至26日鲁汶国际讨论会记录
11《The Foreign Policy of the Attalids of Pergamum》帕加马的阿塔利德的对外政策
12《Hellenistic Phoenicia》希腊化腓尼基
13《Callicrates of Samos. Acontribution to the study of the Ptolemaic admiralty》萨摩斯的卡利克拉茨。托勒密的海军司令研究的贡献
14《The Agriculture of Egypt》埃及农业,
15《Attic Letter-Cutters of 229 to 86 B.C.》公元前229年至公元前86年的雅典信件剪辑
16《Beyond the Nile: Egypt and the Classical World》跨越尼罗河:埃及和古典世界
17《The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models》古代经济:证据与模型
18《diplomacy in ancient greece》古代希腊的外交(曾经有)
1《The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions outside Egypt》埃及以外托勒密属地的管理,
2《Rome and the Ptolemies of Egypt: The Development of Their Political Relations 273-80 B.C.》罗马和托勒密埃及:公元前273至公元前80年政治关系的发展,
3《Papyrology and Ptolemaic History: 1956-1980》纸莎草纸学与托勒密王朝史1956-1980
4《Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: A Study in Greek Epigraphy》希腊时期的皇室通信:希腊碑铭研究,
5《Rome and Egypt in the 60s BC StAeg 3》公元前60年代的罗马与埃及
6《Prosopography of Ptolemaic Cyprus》托勒密王朝的塞浦路斯的人物传记,
7《The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt》希腊化和罗马埃及的犹太人,
8《Ptolemaic Alexandria》Volume 1, Text; volume 2, Notes; volume 3, Indexes,托勒密王朝的亚历山大里亚
9《Government, management, literacy. Aspects of Ptolemaic administration in the early Hellenistic period》政府、管理、识字——希腊化时代早期托勒密行政管理的几个方面
10《Egypt and the Hellenistic world. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Leuven 24–26 May 1982》埃及和希腊世界,1982年5月24日至26日鲁汶国际讨论会记录
11《The Foreign Policy of the Attalids of Pergamum》帕加马的阿塔利德的对外政策
12《Hellenistic Phoenicia》希腊化腓尼基
13《Callicrates of Samos. Acontribution to the study of the Ptolemaic admiralty》萨摩斯的卡利克拉茨。托勒密的海军司令研究的贡献
14《The Agriculture of Egypt》埃及农业,
15《Attic Letter-Cutters of 229 to 86 B.C.》公元前229年至公元前86年的雅典信件剪辑
16《Beyond the Nile: Egypt and the Classical World》跨越尼罗河:埃及和古典世界
17《The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models》古代经济:证据与模型
18《diplomacy in ancient greece》古代希腊的外交(曾经有)