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热词打卡:7月22号陆慷卸任外交部发言人Foreign Mi


Foreign Ministry spokesperson 外交部发言人
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 中华人民共共和国外交部
Almsgiving and charity 施舍和恩赐
Refrain from stirring troubles 不要无事生非
One country, two systems 一国两制
Foreign manipulation 外国势力操纵
Take to the streets 上街游行
With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself? 皮之不存,毛将焉附?
SAR(Special Administrative Region)特别行政区
Radical and violent behaviors that violate law 极端暴力违法行为
Freedom of speech and assembly 言论和集会自由
Foreign forces 外国势力
Rule of law 法制
7月23号 孙杨又获一金
FINI 国际泳联 (International Swimming Federation)
400m freestyle 400米自由泳
Awarding ceremony 颁奖典礼
Freedom of speech 言论自由
Review 审理
Hearing 听证会
International / foreign students 来华留学生
Overseas returnees 海归
Buddy program 学伴项目
Student visa 留学签证
Foreign branch campuses 海外分校
Destination of foreign students 留学目的地
Electronic cigarettes 电子烟
Health risk 健康风险
Battery explosion 电池爆炸
Scald burn risk 高温烫伤
smoking ban 禁烟令
Healthy China initiative 健康中国行动
Passive smoking 被动吸烟
Second-hand smoke 二手烟
Chain smokers 老烟枪

来自Android客户端1楼2019-07-26 14:57回复