10 for the Contingency x0 if no default empire has the Synthetics technology and Mechanical Pops x2 if any default empire has the Synthetics technology and between 25% and 50% Mechanical Pops x4 if any default empire has the Synthetics technology and more than 50% Mechanical Pops x1.5 if the Ancient Caretakers exist 120 Nothing 每五年触发一次,其他天灾没写,注意,任意帝国有合成人科技和机械人口以及上古看护存在都有概率触发肃正,全部帝国没有科技或者没有机械人口都不会产生肃正
10 for the Prethoryn Scourge x2 if more than 60 End-Game years passed x3 if more than 80 End-Game years passed x4 if more than 100 End-Game years passed 10 for the Extradimensional Invaders x0 if no default empire has either version of the Jump Drive x4 if any default empire has Psi Jump Drives x1.5 if any empire completed the Wanderlust Event chain. 虫灾和破镜的几率 虫灾只随时间增长提升概率 破镜只要有科技就稳定10概率,灵能科技是4倍,特殊事件完成是1.5倍