楼主今天看到一段Vinheteiro 钢琴哥的视频然后把它们一一节段下来给大家玩一个心理测验。。。具体如下
the 13 Types of Pianists -- 13 种钢琴演奏家
Type 1: The Bipolar -- 两极分化
Type 2: The One Who Plays To Close To the Keyboard -- 头太靠近键盘
Type 3: The Excited -- 异常兴奋激动
Type 4: The Sleeper -- 催眠者
Type 5: The Psychopath -- 神经问题患者(常人不能理解)
Type 6: The Crazy Smartphone User -- 过于依赖智能手机键盘
Type 7: The Faker -- 过于陶醉/文艺
Type 8: The One Who Moves Alot -- 不停地左右摇晃
Type 9: The Starer -- 后起之秀
Type 10: The One Who Shakes His Head When Plays The Left Hand -- 左手用力的同时一直点头 (楼主笑疯
Type 11: The Chemical Dependent -- 外物刺激/应激
Type 12: The Emotional -- 富有情调
Type 13: The Depressive -- 抑郁症患者
the 13 Types of Pianists -- 13 种钢琴演奏家
Type 1: The Bipolar -- 两极分化
Type 2: The One Who Plays To Close To the Keyboard -- 头太靠近键盘

Type 3: The Excited -- 异常兴奋激动
Type 4: The Sleeper -- 催眠者
Type 5: The Psychopath -- 神经问题患者(常人不能理解)
Type 6: The Crazy Smartphone User -- 过于依赖智能手机键盘
Type 7: The Faker -- 过于陶醉/文艺
Type 8: The One Who Moves Alot -- 不停地左右摇晃
Type 9: The Starer -- 后起之秀
Type 10: The One Who Shakes His Head When Plays The Left Hand -- 左手用力的同时一直点头 (楼主笑疯

Type 11: The Chemical Dependent -- 外物刺激/应激
Type 12: The Emotional -- 富有情调
Type 13: The Depressive -- 抑郁症患者