The sun rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out across the current.
2、 see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore 这里有两个问题,一个是low on the water, 是吃水深的意思呢还是什么?第二个问题是,well in toward the shore 中, well 和 in 的作用是什么?
The sun is just not fully out and up in the sky yet. ‘Low on water’ means the boats are anchored near the shore. The word ‘low’ here doesn’t mean low in depth, it means low tide. ‘Spread out across the current’ means the boats aren’t concentrated in one area but scattered along the sea
太阳从海上升起来了,透过朦胧的光亮老人看到了其他渔船,趴在水面上,离岸边很近,散落于洋流中。 前文说过,其他渔船一出港便四散开来,各自找地方钓鱼去了,唯有老人独自顺着洋流漂向大洋深处。好久没钓到鱼了,招人耻笑,希望到更远的地方钓条大鱼一雪前耻。太阳没升起来以前老人看不到其他渔船,等天亮后才发现离岸边已经很远了,那些渔船看起来很low了,看起来距离岸边很well了。 关于well in toward the shore,朗文词典里有个例句和它长得几乎一模一样,只是方向不同,可作参考: Stand well back from the bonfire. 站得离篝火远点。 以上观点没有十足把握,仅供参考。