1. If someone says,Is this okay?you say:(如果有人说,这样行吗?你说:
trick and treat(不给糖吃就捣蛋,不请吃饭不回答……GJ!)
2. How would you describe yourself?(你怎样描述自己?)
Stardust(我只是一团星辰,我只是一个幻觉……我不存在我不存在我只是Jump的一页- -)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?(你喜欢一个男孩/女孩什么?)
4. How do you feel today?(你今天感觉怎么样?)
5. What is your lifes purpose?(你生命的目的是什么?)
Creepin' up on you(哦~我生命的意义就是爱上你~……呕)
6. What is your motto?(你的座右铭?)
하루하루 一天一天(一天一天的就这么过去吧忍一天是一天- -MADAO退散)
7. What do your friends think of you?(你的朋友怎么看你?)
8.What do you think of your parents?(你怎么看你的父母?)
9. What do you think about very often?(你经常考虑的事情是什么?)
dearest(……我天天想着我家亲爱的-v- ←你滚)
10. What do you think of your best friend?(你怎么看你最好的朋友?)
11. What do you think of the people you like? (你怎么看你喜欢的人?)
想起(会让人喜欢到一直想一直想的人- -笑点依旧无)
12 What is the story of your life?(你生命的故事是什么?)
Can you feel the love tonight(……喂这不是生命的故事是事故了吧!怎么看怎么像419- -)
13. What do you want to be when you grow up?(你长大后想成为什么?)
G大调的悲伤(好吧,瞒了你们这么久,其实我就是个杯具,长大了就是大杯具- -#)
14. What is your hobby/interest?(你的爱好/兴趣是?)
15.What is your biggest fear?(你最害怕的是?)
Gotta have you(太强的占有欲确实很可怕- -#)
16. What is your biggest secret?(你最大的秘密是?)
17. What do you think of when you see the person you like?(当你看到喜欢的人你会想到什么?)
Eversleeping(我最爱的人到底长得多对不起人民啊混蛋……为毛会想长眠不醒- -)
18. What will you dance to at your wedding?(你婚礼的时候会挑哪首歌?)
九州·缥缈录·乱世歌行(……我是穿越到九州里了- -?)
19. What will they play at your funeral?(他们在你葬礼的时候会放什么音乐?)
dive to world(dive是下潜,到这个世界的下面……我们的灵魂死后都将归于尘土,阿门orz)
20. What do you think of your friends?(你怎么看你的朋友?)
21. What will you post this as?(你会把这篇问卷叫什么?)