大致就是这样子 分大小写 小写字母基本都有了 只剩下q 另外z不太确定 后面解释
大写字母写的基本都是确定的 还有些出现了但和小写字母很像/一样(其实也正常) 或者单词意思不明确的 先空着了
主要解读是靠第一集魔法教科书的内容 但太长了 节选第一段
Witchcraft is art of fighting. It is said that the origin of it goes back to the first man-magic war.(怀疑是人魔大战写错了 后面有出现man-monster war)
In order for the human race to oppose the demon race and the demon race to oppose the human race, they created magic and fought each other. As they competed with each other they developed their magic to a higher level and were able to use it to kill and injure, or to create deficient Things have been created that instantly reclaim parts of the body. For me personally I see witchcraft as a way to improve people's lives, not hyst combat, but I'll mention this another time.
就是讲了讲魔法诞生的历史(该书作者的角度 未必正确) 后面还有关于魔法分类 魔法咏唱的内容 和剧情里讲的大概一致

第一集出现的书的标题 第一行 PERGIUS(甲龙王佩尔基乌斯) 第二行还不确定 (ron?aika ???)

第五集出现的路标 上面是村名Wieden 和小说写的符合
下面Entrenat?aile 应该也是地名
小写字母只有z和q没有出现了 q的话意义不明
如果是z的话 是巴斯克语教练的意思 姑且按z算了