19-(Q)Would you advise a short daily walk?
(A)As much in the open as possible. The more oxygen from the air, as the air IS, is the better for the body. While the oxygen may be supplied through oxygen forces and a great deal of help will come with a stimuli to the whole of the system through the releasing of the carbon with the Ash AND the ultra-violet, the Nature's Forces are the better. For after all, all HEALING is from the divine within, and not from medications. Medications only ATTUNE or accord a body for the proper reactions from the elemental forces of divinity within each corpuscle, each cell, each muscle, each activity of every atom of the body itself.
28-(A)….And ever let the mental attitude of the entity, of the body, be constructive, hopeful in its associations and activities; not only towards being good but being good FOR SOMETHING - even in your thinking, even in the activity, even in the speech! For all of these create that atmosphere not only about self but about those with and around self.
For if the body mentally, physically, spiritually, is ever in a CONSTRUCTIVE period, then we find - as the voice answering as one to another - the vibratory forces of the Creative Energies create HEALTH, HOPE!
19-(Q)Would you advise a short daily walk?
(A)As much in the open as possible. The more oxygen from the air, as the air IS, is the better for the body. While the oxygen may be supplied through oxygen forces and a great deal of help will come with a stimuli to the whole of the system through the releasing of the carbon with the Ash AND the ultra-violet, the Nature's Forces are the better. For after all, all HEALING is from the divine within, and not from medications. Medications only ATTUNE or accord a body for the proper reactions from the elemental forces of divinity within each corpuscle, each cell, each muscle, each activity of every atom of the body itself.
28-(A)….And ever let the mental attitude of the entity, of the body, be constructive, hopeful in its associations and activities; not only towards being good but being good FOR SOMETHING - even in your thinking, even in the activity, even in the speech! For all of these create that atmosphere not only about self but about those with and around self.
For if the body mentally, physically, spiritually, is ever in a CONSTRUCTIVE period, then we find - as the voice answering as one to another - the vibratory forces of the Creative Energies create HEALTH, HOPE!