爱德加凯西吧 关注:65贴子:1,260




IP属地:新疆1楼2021-02-10 21:51回复

    19-(Q)Would you advise a short daily walk?
    (A)As much in the open as possible. The more oxygen from the air, as the air IS, is the better for the body. While the oxygen may be supplied through oxygen forces and a great deal of help will come with a stimuli to the whole of the system through the releasing of the carbon with the Ash AND the ultra-violet, the Nature's Forces are the better. For after all, all HEALING is from the divine within, and not from medications. Medications only ATTUNE or accord a body for the proper reactions from the elemental forces of divinity within each corpuscle, each cell, each muscle, each activity of every atom of the body itself.

    28-(A)….And ever let the mental attitude of the entity, of the body, be constructive, hopeful in its associations and activities; not only towards being good but being good FOR SOMETHING - even in your thinking, even in the activity, even in the speech! For all of these create that atmosphere not only about self but about those with and around self.
    For if the body mentally, physically, spiritually, is ever in a CONSTRUCTIVE period, then we find - as the voice answering as one to another - the vibratory forces of the Creative Energies create HEALTH, HOPE!

    IP属地:新疆4楼2021-02-10 22:47
      ◇Edgar Cayce Reading(528-9)◇

      5-Hence the body must not, should not lose courage to carry on, but working in patience, knowing that all healing,all help must arise from constructive thinking, constructive application, and most and first of all constructive spiritual inspiration.

      IP属地:新疆5楼2021-02-10 22:51

        20-(Q)How can the body relax?
        (A)This is a MENTAL as well as a physical process.
        CONCENTRATION upon relaxation is the greater or better manner for ANY body to relax. That is,SEE the body RELAXING, CONSCIOUSLY! Not concentrating so as to draw IN the influence, but as to let all of the tension, all of the strain, flow OUT of self - and find the body giving - giving - away. See?

        21-(Q) Any other advice for the body at this time?
        (A) Keep constructive in the mental forces. Let the inflow be from spiritual sources and not of energies that must become more and more a strain.
        Keep PHYSICALLY and mentally in accord.

        IP属地:新疆7楼2021-02-10 23:45

          IP属地:新疆8楼2021-03-09 21:50

            5-Now, in the mental forces - and as related to fear in the system: Fear the greatest bugaboo to the human elements, for in fear comes those conditions that destroy that vitality of that assimilated. To OVERCOME fear, so fill the mental forces with that of the creative natureas to cast out fear; for he, or she, that is without fear is free indeed, and perfect love casteth out fear. Love not that as is of the officious nature, or that that demands in exchange. Rather given as the free will, and MAKING the will one with that which will enable the body mental to see, experience, to know, to feel, that nearer and nearer the will of the body made one with that the body worships - and let that worshipfulness be of OTHER than of self; for MANY a body stumbles and blinds self by putting self first and foremost.

            IP属地:新疆9楼2021-03-09 22:06
              ◇ READING 3249-1 ◇

              13-(Q) Are these ailments karma, if so what did I do and how can I wash them out?
              (A) These are part karma and part just self. Karmic conditions, of course, are cause and effect. There is grace through the power of the belief of the entity in the divine, in His materialization, His manifestation and His glorification. Then the purpose of the entity should be ever to use whatever may be the abilities to glorify and magnify Him in the earth.

              IP属地:新疆10楼2021-03-09 22:10
                ◇Reading (585-3) ◇

                13-(Q) Any other advice for my better welfare?
                (A) Keep the mental attitudes in an activative growth. Not making applications either in diet or physical activity, as has been indicated for the body, as rote; but as an application of the influences of Creative Energies that are materialized in the form of the properties used for its application in and on the body to make the body more aware in every atom of same of that influence that is to be the rejuvenating force in the body itself.

                IP属地:新疆11楼2021-03-09 22:27

                  6-(Q) In healing, is it not paramount to have the body in perfect physical condition?
                  (A) One must raise self to that consciousness of a physical perfection in spirit, to give the proper attitude or concept to another. DOUBT never ACCOMPLISHED anything!

                  IP属地:新疆12楼2021-03-09 22:33

                    19-(Q) Why is it that at times my meditation seems unsatisfactory?
                    (A) For ye are STILL in the flesh. WHY did He, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" Even when the world was being overcome, the flesh continued to rebel; for, "When I WOULD do good, EVIL is present with me - but, Though I take the wings and fly to the utmost parts of the heavens, Thou art there; Though I make my bed in hell, Thou art there." So, when doubt and fear comes, close thine SENSES to the MATERIAL things and LOSE thineself IN Him. Not that ye shall not be joyous in the things that partake of the pleasures even of life; for so did He - but keep thine consciousness ever alert, ready and willing to be the channel that will make known His love, and HE will speak with thee!

                    IP属地:新疆13楼2021-03-09 22:42

                      20-(Q) [2112]: Could Carrie Everett, Colonial Ave., Norfolk, be healed through me? and in what way?
                      (A) By gaining first that sincere desire on the part OF Carrie Everett TO be, WANT to BE, healed! Then there may be raised within self that that will overcome those destructive forces that are EATING at the vitals of the physical body.
                      21-(Q) In what way?
                      (A) By first - there MUST be the DESIRE, that can only come within self.
                      22-(Q) I have four ways of healing. Which shall I use?
                      (A) There must first be the DESIRE on the part OF Carrie Everett to be healed! You cannot create them, no matter what thou hast! GOD cannot savea man that would NOT be saved!

                      IP属地:新疆14楼2021-03-09 22:55

                        24-(Q) In previous readings it has been given that I can recall certain experiences from past incarnations. In order that I may become more conscious of these experiences and they will help me to develop spiritually,please give instructions as to the method of meditation that will be best for me.
                        (A) As indicatedin that given, when ye would meditate - or when ye would sleep, put all hate, all jealousy, all regret, from thy mind - by filling the mind with the consciousness of the Christ-power. For, as He hath given,each soul is in that consciousness it has builded - by what it has done ABOUT universal consciousness in its experiences.
                        Thus, as the entity knows itself, its weaknesses, its faults,put them away; trusting in Him. For His promises are to bring to the remembrance of all, that which will enable them to EVER glorify God in their dealings with others.
                        Thus, as given,to him who hath much, much may be given. To him who hath much, of him much is required.
                        As others will, and do consciously and unconsciously look to thee, - for a look, for a word, for an expression, - so live as to ever be to others one that walks and talks oft with Him. This will enable the entity to fulfil that purpose for which it came into this experience.
                        That there is the bond of sympathy, the bond of love, with that companion in that experience, - even though there was the losing in self, -self in the present, by that united effort, may use same as a stepping-stone to the consciousness of the use of abilities, of purposes, of desires and hopes in the present; and thus becoming stepping-stones rather than stumbling-stones.


                        IP属地:新疆15楼2021-03-10 18:32
                          ◇ Reading(440-2)◇

                          40-[Q]:What are best hours for sleep?
                          [A]:When the body is physically tired, whether at noon or twelve o'clock at night!

                          IP属地:新疆16楼2021-03-10 18:35

                            11-(Q) What special foods would give to the mind and body great strength, endurance and activity?
                            (A) All of the vegetable, especially those of celery, parsnips and that of the like nature.Celery, salsify, parsnips.

                            IP属地:新疆17楼2021-03-10 18:39

                              15-(Q) Are inoculations against contagious diseases necessary for me before sailing in September? [fromN.Y. to England and Scotland]
                              (A) As we find, only where the requirements are such as to DEMAND same would this be adhered to at all. So far as the body-physical condition is concerned, the adherence to the use of carrots, lettuce and CELERY EVERY day at a meal or as a portion of the meal will insure against any contagious infectious forces with which the body may be in contact.
                              16-(Q) Can immunization against them be set up in any other manner than by inoculation?
                              (A) As indicated, if an alkalinity is maintained in the system - especially with lettuce, carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition as to immunize a person.

                              IP属地:新疆18楼2021-03-10 18:49