针剂吧 关注:117,798贴子:85,724
  • 3回复贴,共1



1). SYRINGE 1cc or 1ML LL, Synnge LUER LOCK
2). SAFETY NEEDLE 25GX1 ", safety needle caliber 25 (G) one inch (1")
in needle-syringe set or packaged separately (100 pcs per Box) I
Certifications: produced in a 1S0 certified structure,
FDA approved with 510 (K),
CE mark with declaration of conformity,
SGS test report for purchased lots (factory bears inspection cast)
Delivery plan and quantity:
1st month 500,000 sets
2nd month 2,500,000 sets
3rd month 7,000,000 set
4th month 20,000,000 set
5th month 20,000,000 set
6th month 20,000,000 set
7th month 30,000,000 set
TOTAL 100,000,000 sets

IP属地:吉林1楼2021-06-06 07:24回复
    你好,我这边是安徽天康,资质和产能都没问题,欢迎电话咨询18052018444 侯

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2021-06-16 22:22
      山东侨牌集团公司创立于1987年,国家定点一次性医疗器械生产厂家。主要生产:主导产品有;输液器 注射器, 螺口注射器 ,输血器, 避光输液器 ,避光注射器 ,无邻苯输液器, 精密避光输液器, 精密避光微调输液器, 自排气输液器 , 自排气 智能止液型精密输液器 ,医用三通阀, 注射针 静脉针 静脉留置针, 纱布 医用橡皮膏 等详情咨询:13583339553

      IP属地:山东5楼2021-09-03 09:49

        来自Android客户端9楼2022-10-25 06:45