支架拒马 Braced Palings
长弓兵的拒马伤害 +%1%%%,其冷却时间减少 %1%%%。
Increase the damage of Longbowman Palings by +%1%%% and reduce its cooldown by %1%%%.
百年紫杉木弓 Aged Yew Bows
使用拉力更强的木材,使长弓兵护甲穿刺能力 +%1%。
Improves the armor penetration of Longbowmen by +%1% through the use of higher draw weight wood.
长弓精通 Longbow Mastery
长弓兵伤害 +%1%%%。
Increase the damage of Longbowmen by +%1%%%.
骆驼骑兵攻击力 Mamuluke Damage
骆驼安抚 Camel Steadying
Camel Archers can fire on the move.
效率训练 Efficiency Training
解锁朝廷命官的监督能力。生产速度加快 200%,资源存放建筑获得的资源量增加 20%。
Unlocks the Supervise ability for Imperial Officials. Increases production speed by 200% and resources gained at drop off buildings by 20%.
尚武精神 Warrior Code
武士每第 4 次攻击就会造成一次范围伤害。
Men-at-arms deal area damage every 4th attack.
火枪手兵团 Musketeer Regiment
火枪手的成本降低 %1%%%。
Reduce the cost of Musketeers by %1%%%.
精准射击军 Streltsy Precision
神圣庇护 Divine Protection
僧侣战士的近战和远程护甲 +%1%。
Increase the melee and ranged armor of Warrior Monks by +%1%.
忍耐仪式 Enduring Ritual
旅行学者 Traveling Scholar
平价学者 Cheap Scholars
生产学者的黄金成本减少 %1%。
Scholars cost %1% less Gold.
绵羊饲养 Sheep Breeding
Pastures produce sheep faster.
哥特式板甲 Gothic Plate
武士的护甲 +%1%。
Increases Man-at-Arms armor by +%1%.
皇家法令 Royal Edict
圣物放在修道院时会额外产生 %1%%% 黄金。
Relics placed in Monasteries generate %1%%% more Gold.
探子 Spotters
哨站和箭塔视野 +25%。
Outposts and Towers gain a +25% line of sight Increase.
步兵护盾 Infantry Shields
长弓兵的拒马伤害 +%1%%%,其冷却时间减少 %1%%%。
Increase the damage of Longbowman Palings by +%1%%% and reduce its cooldown by %1%%%.
使用拉力更强的木材,使长弓兵护甲穿刺能力 +%1%。
Improves the armor penetration of Longbowmen by +%1% through the use of higher draw weight wood.
长弓兵伤害 +%1%%%。
Increase the damage of Longbowmen by +%1%%%.
Camel Archers can fire on the move.
解锁朝廷命官的监督能力。生产速度加快 200%,资源存放建筑获得的资源量增加 20%。
Unlocks the Supervise ability for Imperial Officials. Increases production speed by 200% and resources gained at drop off buildings by 20%.
武士每第 4 次攻击就会造成一次范围伤害。
Men-at-arms deal area damage every 4th attack.
火枪手的成本降低 %1%%%。
Reduce the cost of Musketeers by %1%%%.
僧侣战士的近战和远程护甲 +%1%。
Increase the melee and ranged armor of Warrior Monks by +%1%.
生产学者的黄金成本减少 %1%。
Scholars cost %1% less Gold.
Pastures produce sheep faster.
武士的护甲 +%1%。
Increases Man-at-Arms armor by +%1%.
圣物放在修道院时会额外产生 %1%%% 黄金。
Relics placed in Monasteries generate %1%%% more Gold.
哨站和箭塔视野 +25%。
Outposts and Towers gain a +25% line of sight Increase.