"Maximum Building Capacity Reached":
Emperor has limits on how many buildings, walkers and walker routes it can handle. Though these limits are quite high, you might reach them if you build a city of 8,000 or more people. If you do see this message, your only recourse is to resculpt your city for greater efficiency. Even higher populations are possible if you build very efficiently.
找了点资料研究了一下,应该是在model文件里的 EmperorBuildingModels文件 中修改。字段说明如下:
a - Cost of structure or of one tile of a structure (for walls etc) 造价
b - Initial desirability value 原始需求值
c - desirability step (in tiles) 进阶需求
d - desirability step size 进阶需求量
e - max desirability range 最大需求范围
f - Number of people a building employs 建筑雇佣人数
g - Fire Risk Increment 火险增量
h - Damage Risk Increment 损害增量
i - Resource Used 资源使用量
j - Risk Reducer 风险减少量
k - Evolve Desirability (<=0 means there is no evolution) 升级需求(0表示不能升级)
l - Structural Integrity value 整体结构值
m - Feng Shue Value 风水值
应该是修改“l - Structural Integrity value 整体结构值”,把这个值修改就可以起到效果了,举个例子:
209,Administrative City,{,180,10,2,-2,9,40,9,8,0,0,2500,2000,3,},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Maximum Building Capacity Reached":
Emperor has limits on how many buildings, walkers and walker routes it can handle. Though these limits are quite high, you might reach them if you build a city of 8,000 or more people. If you do see this message, your only recourse is to resculpt your city for greater efficiency. Even higher populations are possible if you build very efficiently.
找了点资料研究了一下,应该是在model文件里的 EmperorBuildingModels文件 中修改。字段说明如下:
a - Cost of structure or of one tile of a structure (for walls etc) 造价
b - Initial desirability value 原始需求值
c - desirability step (in tiles) 进阶需求
d - desirability step size 进阶需求量
e - max desirability range 最大需求范围
f - Number of people a building employs 建筑雇佣人数
g - Fire Risk Increment 火险增量
h - Damage Risk Increment 损害增量
i - Resource Used 资源使用量
j - Risk Reducer 风险减少量
k - Evolve Desirability (<=0 means there is no evolution) 升级需求(0表示不能升级)
l - Structural Integrity value 整体结构值
m - Feng Shue Value 风水值
应该是修改“l - Structural Integrity value 整体结构值”,把这个值修改就可以起到效果了,举个例子:
209,Administrative City,{,180,10,2,-2,9,40,9,8,0,0,2500,2000,3,},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,