GloomHaven Rule Summary
This is a summary of the rules, in the format of a detailed order of play. Itincludes game and card icons where applicable.
I've gone through the rule book multiple times and believe I've got all of the rules covered (except the variants and the random dungeon rules). The file includes info from the FAQ as well. The intent of the design is to make it essentially the only rule reference you will need while playing (other than some table lookups in the rule book). I use something similar created by Andrew Agard for Mage Knight and find it indispensable.
Checkmark bullets signify prescriptive rules that should be performed in order.Round bullets are informational rules.
The document is 8 pages in 2 column landscape layout.
Page 1 covers the Campaign
Page 2 covers the Scenario Start and Round Start
Pages 3-6 cover Player Turns
Pages 7-8 cover Monster Turns plus Round End and Scenario End
I recommend you print it out on 2 sided pages (I like to use thicker card stock but regular paper is fine)
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or corrections in the comments below.
这是一份对规则的总结,按照游戏的详细玩法顺序进行叙述,包括了游戏各类图标适用的地方。我已经通读过规则书多次,我相信这篇文档已经涵盖了所有的规则(除了游戏变体和随机地城规则)。该文档还包括了FAQ中的信息。制作这份文档的目的,就是让它成为你玩游戏时唯一需要的规则参考(除了在规则书中查找一些表格)。我使用了类似 Andrew Agard为《魔法骑士》所创造的内容,并发现它是必不可少的。