Party size of up to 8 members on both player and enemy parties
All 386 Pokemon catchable
Physical/Special split
Trade evolutions are now all friendship evolutions
New 4/4 party manu layout
Double battles supported
Gen 6+ Exp. Share
Custom gym leader, elite 4 and champion 8-member teams
Reusable TMs
Indoors running
New music on gym leader battles
Starter Tyrogue along with the usual starter of choice
Evolution stones sold on Petalburg Pokemart, heart scales sold on Fallarbor Pokemart
Hall of Fame supports 8-sized party
作者:AstroBreak, Airen, SilverPrince94, Blurose, Jordan Davenport

Party size of up to 8 members on both player and enemy parties
All 386 Pokemon catchable
Physical/Special split
Trade evolutions are now all friendship evolutions
New 4/4 party manu layout
Double battles supported
Gen 6+ Exp. Share
Custom gym leader, elite 4 and champion 8-member teams
Reusable TMs
Indoors running
New music on gym leader battles
Starter Tyrogue along with the usual starter of choice
Evolution stones sold on Petalburg Pokemart, heart scales sold on Fallarbor Pokemart
Hall of Fame supports 8-sized party
作者:AstroBreak, Airen, SilverPrince94, Blurose, Jordan Davenport