关于俄刻伊庇忒,其实这位是Okypete,只不过实在找不到中文翻译所以就自己凑合着音译了一下。 至于资料,Wi-ki实在是个好东西啊…… Ocypete (English translation: "swift wing") was one of the three harpies in Greek mythology. Ocypete was the swiftest of all the three harpies. According to the Greek mythological story even with her speed she quickly ran out of energy and crash-landed on an island in the middle of the ocean and begged for mercy from the Gods. In Greek and Roman mythology the Harpies were creatures employed by the higher gods to carry out the punishment of crime. They were three in number : Aello, Ocypete, and Celaeno, or Podarge; and were said to be daughters of the giant Thaumas and the Oceanid nymph Electra.
我不知道G是什么我不知道G是什么我不知道G是什么我不知道G是什么我不知道G是什么我不知道G是什么……自我催眠中 to blackphoenix: 奥路菲啊,啊哈哈,那个,后文提及算不算……= =其实还没想好。我喜欢他因为他琴弹得好……I love musicXD 小艾比埃妮小了六岁,望天,虽说小六岁其实也没什么,但是当比较大的那个也才十七八岁而言,就很有什么了…… 我可以说这位女神是本文最大的反派BOSS么(喂) to 卫城之海: 艾哥的BG难大概是因为原著出场太少,很难丰满他的形象;而作为全作的灵魂人物(是真的“灵魂”人物啊,囧)从一个支柱到一个人……对我而言是相当tremendous的一个挑战……我努力尽量写出原著的感觉,但是又要让文章发展……叹气,希望不要走形太多= =其实完全原版的圣斗士很少有适合儿女情长的,而艾哥尤甚……最后不要写成暗恋= =虽然我初衷是HE